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Third Person POV:

December 2024

In the months following the injury, Y/N undergoes a series of medical examinations and scans to determine the extent of the damage to his knee. The results reveal the grim diagnosis: a torn cartilage.

The news sends shockwaves through the Lakers organization and their fans, as they come to terms with the reality of Y/N's injury. Torn cartilage can be a serious setback for any athlete, requiring careful treatment and rehabilitation to ensure a full recovery

Meanwhile, at Y/N and Madelyn's house

(A/N: Please forgive me)

The two lovers were having sex in the bedroom. Madelyn on top while bouncing up and down on his shaft, while Y/N lies back, resting his hands behind his head, his cast propped up on a pillow, and his face scrunched up in pleasure as his girlfriend rides him

Y/N: Yeah...keep going

Madelyn: Ah...this cutting me!

Y/N: What thing?

Madelyn: This thing! The...cast.

Y/N: Oh...I'm sorry, baby...I can' anything about it.

Madelyn stops riding him

Y/N: The fuck? Why'd you stop?

Madelyn: This thing's cutting me! I can't focus. I think I'm gonna take a shower.

Y/N: Can't you just finish the job?

Y/N watches with a soft smile as Madelyn leans in to kiss his cast, leaving behind a vibrant lipstick mark as a playful gesture of affection

Madelyn: Maybe later, babe. Right now, I need a shower.

She then goes to the bathroom to take a shower

After that, Y/N hears a deep voice 

???: She's the least of your problems. Mm, mm, mmm. Funny how shit changes on a dime, huh?

Y/N looks down and notices that the deep voice he heard was a product of his own imagination. His injured knee, a constant source of discomfort and frustration, had seemingly taken on a life of its own in his subconscious mind

Y/N: The fuck?

Knee: Yeah, it's me. Your fucked up knee

Y/N: Don't blame that on me. It just happened.

Knee: Whatever. Brace yourself for some more bad news.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Knee: Our future! We are fucked, cuh!

Y/N's heart sinks at the harsh reality of his knee's words. The uncertainty of his future weighs heavily on him, threatening to engulf him in despair. But deep down, he knows he can't let himself be consumed by negativity

Y/N: Lalalala, not listening to you.

Knee: You remember Toby Knight?

Y/N: Who?

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