7th Grade

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Back in 7th grade was when they first found each other. They started off small but soon their conversations grew getting to know each other more. In class they would talk, laugh, and joke around with each other. He was always nice and helped her when she needed something. He taught her many things in math always assisting her. Whenever she had trouble he was the first one she went too without hesitation. They both had good grades and in a master's class but she couldn't help but always be one step behind him. He always got everything done first, teasing her for not being able to finish quickly.

It all changed though when there was a shift in the seating chart for reading. They were sat in the same group along with two other people. One was a girl she didn't talk much the other was a boy, he was loud and obnoxious. The two sat facing each other it was rather closer than usual. He had a habit of swinging his chair, while she would put her feet up on the bars of his desk. They would often collide due to it being a small space.

Whenever they got treats for being good she often got the same thing. After awhile she decided to take his not wanting the same thing over and over again. He didn't say anything, rather he let it happen. He only gave her a look as to not mind it and took the one she had.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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