11 - Devin

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I'm grinding my thumbs into Lando's shoulder and back for the third time today when he finally relaxes and I can manipulate his shoulder better. He's got a death drip on his massage bench despite lying on his stomach. Recovery for his shoulder is just as important as warming it up properly and after getting through into the third round of qualifying, Lando's entire upper back and shoulder had all but locked up. We're twenty minutes in and only now I've gotten through the knots around his shoulder blades.

Neither of us has said a word this entire time. Awkward wasn't even the word for it. The air was thick with the tense energy between us. I was about to scream at him until Jon peeked his head in the door and locked eyes with me.

"How's he doing?"

"I'm great thanks, Jon," Lando answered rudely. Jon shot me a sympathetic look.

"He's completely locked up. I'm just getting through the knots on his back, I haven't even started on his shoulder yet."

Jon nodded. "All right, thought I'd ask. The team shuttle to the hotel is leaving in ten."


He nodded then closed the door, undoubtedly leaving the paddock to wait for the car. His exit left Lando and I locked in hid driver's room again. "Aren't you going to catch the team car?" Lando breaks the silence between us.

I shake my head then realize he can't see the movement since he's lying on his face. "No, if I don't at least get these knots out before you completely cool down you'll lock up. I'll grab a cab."

Lando doesn't reply and I return to massaging his back. He's still got his fireproofs on from qualifying, and I bet he's just about seconds away from telling me to fuck off. But he doesn't. Instead, he lies there and lets me massage out his back.

I watch as the minutes tick down until the team car has well left and when it's almost twenty minutes past the time my ride is gone I finally feel the last knot in his back release. I just about groan in relief like Lando when I stop, fingers aching.

I clear my throat. "You're done for now."

Lando moves to sit up, a tired look on his face. "Thanks."

I slowly nod. "I haven't heard you say that word in a long time."

Lando doesn't reply and I begin to collect my things. I thought I would be leaving for the team car right from here so I have my entire bag and things on the floor. I shove Lando's binder into my pack.

"How did you get that scar on your side?"

I freeze, my phone charger falling out of my hand. Thankfully it landed in my bag and my shock looked like a normal movement. "What?" I don't turn to look at him. Instead, I forced my fingers to stuff my bag and my eyes to stay off of him. Fearing the look on his face.

"I saw it this morning," he continues. "It's small, just on the side of your ribs. It wasn't there four years ago."

I force my voice steady but don't look up. "Everyone gets cuts and scrapes, I don't remember how I got it."

"You made me watch Grey's Anatomy remember? There are marks from stitches all around it. You're telling me you don't remember getting stitches on your ribs?"

Well, no I don't remember getting those stitches, Lando. I was too busy being sedated after one of my broken ribs punctured my lung and had to be drained of my blood so I didn't drown in it. I wanted to say. But I kept my mouth shut and shrugged.

"Why do you care?"

He paused and I picked up my pack. "I don't."

"Okay, see you back in the room."

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