The goddess and her successor

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As Rimaru stood facing Feldway, his heart pounded in his chest. The battle had been long and intense, but finally, he had emerged victorious. As he looked around, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him. However, his moment of tranquillity was short-lived as he suddenly disappeared in a flash of blinding white light.

When Rimaru finally opened his eyes, he found himself standing in front of an ancient temple. The structure was massive, its towering pillars and intricate carvings alluding to a time long forgotten. As he stepped forward, Rimaru couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence wash over him. What secrets lay hidden within the temple's walls? Only time will tell.

Rimaru finds himself in an unknown place and yells in confusion, "Where am I!?" Upon seeing the palace, he is startled and admires its beauty

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Rimaru finds himself in an unknown place and yells in confusion, "Where am I!?" Upon seeing the palace, he is startled and admires its beauty. Suddenly, he hears a powerful voice whispering into his ear, "Come to the throne room." The voice sounds angelic and stern, making Rimaru tremble, but he knows he has no other option but to follow the command and head towards the palace.

As he walks through the garden, the divine aura becomes stronger and almost unbearable, yet he continues walking until he reaches the throne room. As he walks towards the throne, he feels a strong power emanating from it, making him feel like he has reached the end and the beginning of everything.

The girl sitting on the throne looks at Rimaru with a small grin on her face and says, "So, slime, you finally arrived. Don't you know it's rude to keep a lady waiting?" Rimaru is enamoured by her beauty and asks her who she is and if she is the one who summoned him there.

The girl smiles as galaxies form behind her, revealing her name to be Veldanava. Rimaru is surprised to learn that she is Milim's mother. Veldanava's aura grows brighter and stronger as she stands up, and Rimaru can't help but notice that she is pretty short, considering her power.

As they talk about Milim, Veldanava becomes impatient and asks Rimaru what Milim is like. Rimaru explains that Milim is the second-seat Demon Lord of the Octagram, one of the strongest and oldest among all other demon lords. Despite her carefree attitude, she often finds herself bored and is always looking for something new to do.

Rimaru also tells Veldanava that Milim looks like a regular human girl at the age of a teenager, with glossy pink hair tied in twin tails and usually wearing black skimpy underwear. Villanova becomes embarrassed to hear this, but Rimaru assures her that it's fine considering Milim's age and that it could be much worse.

As Rimaru reaches for a picture of Milim in his pocket, Veldanava continues to question him about Milim and their relationship, leading to a heated argument that lasts for hours.

As Rimaru reaches for a picture of Milim in his pocket, Veldanava continues to question him about Milim and their relationship, leading to a heated argument that lasts for hours

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As Rimaru stood before the powerful goddess Veldanava, he felt a pang of nervousness in his chest. He knew that he had to convince her that everything was alright, but he also knew that it wouldn't be easy. In his hand, he held a picture - a small, unassuming thing that held the key to his success.

"Here," he said, holding out the picture for Veldanava to see. "Take a look. It's not that bad, I promise."

Villanova took the picture from him and studied it carefully. As she did so, Rimaru held his breath, waiting for her to react. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she looked up at him and nodded.

"It's not as bad as I thought," she said. "Thank you for showing me this."

But then, suddenly, her expression changed. She looked at Rimaru with a new intensity, and he could see the worry in her eyes.

"Wait," she said, her voice low. "Why do you have a picture of my daughter?"

Rimaru felt his heart skip a beat. He had known that this question would come up sooner or later, but he had hoped that it wouldn't be so soon.

"Well," he said, his voice faltering a little. "Milim says that I have to have this on me at all times, to prove that I'm her best friend."

Veldanava raised an eyebrow. "Milim," she said, her tone skeptical. "I should have known."

Rimaru felt a little embarrassed now. He knew that Milim could be a handful, but she was his friend.

The two of them talked for hours, with Rimaru telling Veldanava all about his adventures with Milim. He talked about how they had met, and how they had become friends. He talked about the challenges that they had faced together, and how they had overcome them. And through it all, Veldanava listened intently, her expression softening as she began to see Rimaru in a new light.

While in conversation with the goddess, it was apparent that she had a keen interest in hearing stories about both Rimaru and her daughter. As he spoke, she listened attentively with a smile on her face, indicating her enjoyment of the conversation.

As Veldanava listened to Rimaru's tales of adventure with Milim, her eyes sparkled with curiosity and wonder. Rimaru's words painted vivid images in her mind: the moment they first met, under the blazing sun of the Jura Tempest Federation, the sparks of friendship igniting between them like a flame in the darkness.

Rimaru's voice was animated as he described the battles they fought side by side it all played out before Veldanava's eyes like a grand tapestry woven with her beautiful smile.

As the hours ticked by, Veldanava found herself drawn into Rimaru's world and she was just happy to know her world was in good hands as she lightly played with Rimaru's long hair as he was lightly blushing.

And as the stars blinked above, casting their gentle light upon the two of them, Veldanava reached out and clasped Rimaru's hand in hers. In that simple gesture, a silent promise was made with Rimaru being bright red from hearing the promise but he couldn't disappoint a goddess so in that very moment Rimaru kisses Veleanava.

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