A Morning in the Hazbin Hotel & A visit to Rosie

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As the first rays of dawn filtered through the windows of the Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer Morningstar stirred from his slumber, the memory of the previous night's excitement still fresh in his mind. With a lazy stretch and a yawn, he rose from his bed and made his way to the wardrobe, where his robes hung in regal splendor.

Donning his signature attire with practiced ease, Lucifer made his way downstairs, drawn by the tantalizing aroma of breakfast wafting through the air. To his surprise, he found Alastor, the radio demon, already at work in the kitchen, clad in a matching robe of his own.

"Ah, good morning, Lucifer," Alastor greeted cheerfully, turning to face him with a bright smile. "I took the liberty of preparing breakfast. I hope you don't mind."

Lucifer returned the smile, his gaze drifting down to the demon's backside where a cute fluffy tail wagged playfully. He couldn't help but find it endearing. "Not at all, Alastor. I must say, you seem quite adept in the kitchen."

With a chuckle, Alastor finished cooking and turned around, holding a mug emblazoned with the words "oh deer" in his hand. "Thank you kindly. Care for some coffee?"

Lucifer accepted the offer graciously, taking a seat at the table as Alastor poured him a cup. They exchanged pleasantries as they began to eat, the conversation flowing easily between them.

Just as they were settling into their meal, Angel Dust and Husk appeared in the doorway, the former blushing furiously as he glanced shyly at Alastor. "Morning, boys," Angel Dust mumbled, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Husk merely grunted in response, shuffling over to the stove to begin preparing his own breakfast. Despite his gruff demeanor, there was a warmth in his eyes as he glanced at Angel Dust, a silent acknowledgment of their growing bond.

As they ate, Lucifer's attention was drawn to the sight of a girl following closely behind his daughter, Charlie. With a smile, Charlie approached him, her eyes shining with pride.

"Dad, I'd like you to meet Vaggie," Charlie said, gesturing to the girl beside her. "She's my girlfriend."

Lucifer's smile widened at the introduction, extending a hand to Vaggie with genuine warmth. "A pleasure to meet you, Vaggie. Charlie has spoken highly of you."

Vaggie returned the gesture, her grip firm and confident. "Likewise, Lucifer. Charlie means the world to me."

With introductions out of the way, they all settled into a comfortable rhythm, chatting amiably as they enjoyed their meal. Despite the chaos of their respective pasts, there was a sense of peace and camaraderie among them, a feeling of belonging that transcended their differences.

Throughout the meal, Lucifer couldn't help but steal glances at Alastor, his heart fluttering at the sight of the demon's playful demeanor. There was something undeniably charming about him, something that drew Lucifer in like a moth to a flame.

As they finished eating, Charlie cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention to her. "I don't know about you all, but I think it's high time we made this a regular occurrence," she said, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

The sentiment was met with nods of agreement from the others, their bond strengthened by the shared experience of breaking bread together. And as they lingered at the table, savoring the last moments of their meal, Lucifer couldn't shake the feeling that he had found something truly special in the midst of the chaos of the Hazbin Hotel.

As the morning sun rose higher in the sky, casting its warm glow over the bustling city below, Lucifer realized that he had found more than just a place to stay - he had found a family, and perhaps even something more in the enigmatic demon sitting across from him.

And so, with hearts full and spirits lifted, they bid

Time skip brought you by Keekee


The morning sun cast a warm glow over the Hazbin Hotel as Charlie and Alastor prepared to embark on a visit to Rosie, Alastor's best friend. As they made their plans, Lucifer suggested joining them, eager to spend more time with Alastor. To his delight, they all agreed, and soon they were on their way to Rosie's place.

Rosie greeted them with a warm smile, her enthusiasm infectious as they discussed their plans for assistance in their endeavors. It seemed they needed the help of cannibals, a prospect that both intrigued and unsettled Lucifer. However, as he observed the easy rapport between Rosie and Alastor, a pang of jealousy stirred within him. He couldn't help but think, "He's mine."

After bidding Rosie farewell, they returned to the Hazbin Hotel, where they were met with the familiar sights and sounds of the bustling establishment. Niffty was busy cleaning, while Angel Dust and Husk were engaged in their usual flirtatious banter.

Eager to fulfill his desire to pet Alastor's fluffy ears, Lucifer enlisted Angel Dust's help in a playful game. As Alastor agreed to the terms, Lucifer's heart raced with anticipation."soo, alastor, would you be stuck with a pervert or a r@p!st?" Alastor stuttered in his response, Lucifer seized the opportunity to fulfill his desire, relishing the sensation of Alastor's purrs and wagging tail under his touch.

As night fell, the atmosphere grew tense as Angel Dust and Husk shocked everyone with their intimate display. Alastor, embarrassed by his earlier display of vulnerability, retreated into silence, leaving an awkward tension between him and Lucifer.

Determined to break the silence, Lucifer offered Alastor coffee, sparking a conversation that lasted long into the night. As they talked, Lucifer couldn't help but admire Alastor's beauty and charm, feeling grateful for the chance to have him all to himself.

As the conversation wound down, Lucifer took the opportunity to tidy up, returning to find Alastor fast asleep on the couch. Unable to resist, he gently lifted Alastor into his arms, marveling at how peaceful he looked in slumber. He changed Alastor into pajamas and placed a tender kiss on his forehead, eliciting a wag of Alastor's tail.

With a smile, Lucifer retired to his own room, his heart full of affection for the demon who had captured his attention. And as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't shake the image of Alastor's purrs and wagging tail, a silent promise of the bond that was forming between them.


Thank you soooooooooo much for 25 reads 😭🥲, thank you, and i would never expect a person to add my story to their reading list, thank you all,
And also thanks for vote, hope you enjoy the second chapter,
Byeeee! 👋😊

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