Hometown Hero

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The next day, Yuri was sore! It was like this whenever he came home. He did work out while in the city, it just wasn't like when he was training. As he groaned, getting up, slipping his slippers on, he thought about what Viktor said.

"You must skate again." Yuri sighed.

He had been quick to dismiss Viktor. Quick to claim not ever wanting to compete again. But something was tugging at him. Watching Viktor train, seeing him skate, there was this place inside Yuri that wanted that too. He wanted to be seen again!

Chuckling to himself, he knew all he had to do was go into town. Viktor was going to be amazed! They had decided that today, Yuri would show his boyfriend around his hometown. Yuri wondered if Viktor's ego could handle it! He went to shower, hoping the steam and warm water would work magic on his sore muscles.

Coming out to the kitchen, Yuri found Viktor sitting alone with his mom. She had the book out! Yuri squealed.

"Mooom! Noooo!" He launched himself at the table, attempting to grab the book before Viktor got too far.

Viktor betrayed him. He yanked the book away, making Yuri slide across the table. His mom saved the coffee cups with a giggle.

"We've already looked through it twice!" she laughed.

"Moom!" Yuri groaned sitting down, hiding his heated face.

"You were a chubby baby! Look at you on such itty bitty skates!" Viktor twisted the book so Yuri could see the page he was on.

The book was Yuri's photo album. It wasn't all his skating competitions, but his entire life, growing up here. He sighed. He wished his mom showed Viktor the one from his skating career. It was far less embarrassing!

"Now we have this one, Vicky!" His mom pulled it the skating one.

Yuri sighed, reaching for his baby book. Viktor was quick in hiding it under the table.

"Viktor!" Yuri growled.

"Ooh, that was hot! Kiss me!" Viktor held out his arms, closing his eyes.

"Uh!" Yuri glanced at his mom as Viktor made kissy lips at him.

Yuri' mom had a small, whimsical smile on her face, as she took the empty coffee mugs into the kitchen. Yuri moved to Viktor. The skaters long arms wrapped around his waist. Viktor tipped his head back. Yuri smiled at how cute he looked!

Bending down, he slipped his hands into the silken silver hair. Pressing his lips to Viktor's, the arms dragged him on to the firm lap. Viktor took control of the kiss. It was like nothing Yuri had ever experienced before.

Gently, Viktor slipped his tongue between Yuri's lips. He then stroked it along Yuri's, filling his mouth with the taste of coffee, and essence of Viktor. Neither were bad. Yuri wiggled on the lap. His thighs tightened around the chair. Viktor was a good kisser.

The moment that Yuri thought that, reality crashed around him. Viktor was a skating playboy! They weren't really in a relationship. This was all for show! Of course they had to make his parents think it was real too. Yuri sighed, leaning back.

"Viktor, not..." He couldn't finishing his sentence as he was swatted upside the head by a rolled up paper.

"Not at the kitchen table!" Maria cried.

She continued out the back door for her morning cigarette. Yuri sighed, standing up.

"That's what I was trying to say." He complained.

"We have an entire day for our date, right, Yuri!" Viktor looked excited.

"I already made reservations at that hill top café." He pointed out the window to the most expensive restaurant in town.

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