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˚₊‧꒰აchapter ten໒꒱ ‧₊˚

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˚₊‧꒰აchapter ten໒꒱ ‧₊˚

؂"Holy fuck how did he end up
like this" Y/n freaked out at the sight of the blonde boy's smashed face.

The h/c haired girl kneeled down next to a bench, the one where the blonde boy was placed. He was still half unconscious as his girlfriend, Hina, was about to burst into tears at the sight of her loved one being in this state.

Hina had Takemichi laid on her lap instead of the hard bench as Yuzuha rushed to the group of four with a small kit in hand. "Guys, these bruises are too bad. I will try my best to bandage them but we should bring him to a hospital in case something is broken" Y/n uttered as Yuzuha went to stand next to Hina and held her hand, squeezing it lightly.

"Hakkai.." Takemichi started to say, "I'm sorry... you quit Toman 'cus of me.." He uttered out in a quiet voice as his expression took the shape of a guilty one.

"Nah, this isn't your fault. I had already made up my mind. Besides, thank you for standing up for Yuzuha. Bet you were surprised to find out that the leader of Black Dragon was my brother."

'Wait. Hakkai will quit Toman?'

"Yeah..." Takemichi said and paused. "Hakkai, you're leaving Toman? What for?" Y/n turned her head from the injured blonde towards the tall boy. Hakkai firstly hesitated to speak so Yuzuha spoke on his behalf.

"Taiju was about to beat the living shit out of Takemichi. Literally. Hakkai felt so bad that he stepped in and offered to join Black Dragon if Taiju spared Takemichi.." Yuzuha explained to her friend. Hina's breathing began to calm down and beam a small smile now knowing that her boyfriend was alive and okay.

"I needed to be in Black Dragon anyway. I have something to do" Hakkai said with a dark expression on his doll-like face. In return Takemichi turned pale at the sound of that.

After a while Y/n had patched up well Takemichi but told Hakkai that it would be better to bring him to a hospital in case of an internal bleeding. She got off her knees and turned to Hina.

She scoffed as she saw the position she and her beloved one were in. It reminded her of that unenergetic lilac haired boy, as he would place his head on her lap quite often. Speaking of the devil, her flip phone started to ring. She grabbed the device from her pocket and opened it only to see that the guy who she wanted to avoid was calling her.

'Yeah maybe Aki's advice should be given a chance, right?' she thought as she closed the screen and placed it back into her pocket. Hakkai, like the noisy little shit that he is saw all of it and quirked a brow, but did not ask a thing.

"Hello we didn't have time to introduce ourselves. I'm Y/n L/n" The said girl said with a smile. Hina returned the smile as much as she could and replied; "Hina Tachibana" The smaller girl smiled and got off the bench as Hakkai picked Takemichi up.

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