ch -1 leaving him

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"Where is she " .
" please p-please sir calm down . S-sir p-please . "

Afraid would not be enough to tell their real emotions they were terrified to their core .
He stands there raging like a bubbling hot lava ready to erupt out of volcano depth .

" alexie " questi shoii motie "
(I asked you something where is she ) .

Alexie his bodyguard his right hand man and probably the person he trust most after all alexie was with him from the age 5 when he was kid . He trust her but there is this rage he can't compeherend at all .


"please - p-please junkook listen atleast please . Listen p-please l-listen ."

And the raging man did opposite of what he was told . He listened to no body why would he .after all his fucking possession left just like that without informing him . She dared opposing it . She dared fucking denying it . She did what she should never do . She escaped away . She was gone . He can't allow her to go a distance away from him and now she was mile away from .


and he fucking din't know where the fuck she was .

His long legs strides towards alexie grabbing him by his collar clutching him towards him fleeting him up from the ground with his one hand . his calloused fingers clutched and squeezed his neck . A gun on his other as he point it on his head.

The white shiny metal clicked as it bared its lock . " tell me you fucking bastard where, just where she went i swear i will kill you here " .


" d'dont know ,you FUCKING D-DONT KNOW HUH , WHERE NOT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO HELPED HER , WERE NOT YOU . MY DEAR ALEXIE . " there was certain darkish voice that speak behind him and it left alexie whimpering a little .

' " i dont know .p-please c-calm d-down p-please j-unkook ."

The 6 feet 2 man was terrified not for himself but for him . He has never seen this rage . Not within 7 years limits , it was last seven years he saw this rage the same anger when mrs jeon died . It was last , last of his little bit sanity . He tranformed into non- imaginable thing ,and nothing was left to bared nothing .

" p-please junkook ."

" Alexie just one thing , just fucking one thing did she goes back to india " .

Alexie mouth gaped , he was already struggling by his strong choke on his neck and now he spoke the nerve wrecking thing .

" Means she goes back huh" .

A loud chuckle leave his mouth the whole mansion stilled . Even walls were afraid to reverbate on his chuckle . Alexie and the maids and guards stilled with humorous santan's chuckle . It was terrifying .fucking so much terrifying .

Alexie was astound to know he knows it all isi't he .

He tossed him on the floor baring his molars as he rushed out following by his cars and guards .
He would be leaving now he need her in his hold in his arms just beside him . And he fucking don't know what caused him so mad . Was this the real emotions he felt all these years for her . He is controlling himself . Alot .he was the apex predator that rule over his territory . How can he let his prey go this easily out of his territory .

Dominatly or indominatly he was the person from where food chain ends maybe in an ecosystem it ends with decomposers but he was the last , and the first in command the apex predator .
The ruler .

The blaring fifteen rolls royce phantom black car roared to life as they leave the mansion in a rush . The big metal gates opened and closed as the cars roared out in a row .

Alexie could not stop him , he had promised her he would keep him sane . While his sanity was with her . She unknowingly become something he starts desiring . After all she was the only one who despite the fact knowing she was his slave, cared for him .

Alexie also rushed out in his car after him . He can't stop him but atleast he can care to do a little favour to her and make him stop doing the distruction he will do after metting her . Junkook anger , his rage knows no limits and alexie was well aware of that fact .

Going after him would be rucksome . Too much scary, god knows what he will do with her or with himself .

His viens bulge as his eyes turned a drak green shade almost black . The most beautiful of eyes were hiding a deadliest storm in them .
He bared lound speeding every minute . His cars were rushing out of the italy road as he din't even care about the roads lights . They stand no rukus againt him .

People going in the streets looked at all the cars horrorfingly . It looks to them they were watching a live car racing show . Rushing with a speed of light . Italy was always famous for its money its beautiful infrastructure like paris is called the city of love, italy was called the city of beauty.

Indeed there was many beauty to die for .

Loyalty huh loyalty she talks about it like she knows it all . She last met him a hour before she dissapeared he din't see her after it . She was having a fever when she bumped him accidently . She lied to him so easily that she is tired , lies lies just lies all was a fucking lie.

Among it all she fucking promised him she would never leave him never , then how can she . How can she walk away . How can she .

His phone ringed as he picked it up .
" Speak "
" she is in milan airport " .
" I fucking know yoongi tell me what her exact location is."
" her passport is changed she took a cab no is 060609 .from rome at the destination . Then she took a short train drive to ostia nearest to rome . Junkook there is an issue after it , her location showed both at caiampino and at leonardo da vinci airport. But rome (ciampino ) is 13.6 km away used as a budget airlines easyjets and ryanair . I suggest if she reached leonardo da vinci airport this morning as it is also mazor airlines . She would have probably reached their this morning . She would took a flight from their to milan malpensa airport to delhi international airport with an average flight flight of 11h 9 min estimated
I have checked all flights are of 10 am its 9:30 am . Now . She is still in italy reach her if you can in 30 minutes first flight is delhi's flight's . After it would be very difficult reaching her .
If international borders are crossed we can't find her exactly until we wait some time . "
" what " .
'" yes junkook until leo stayed at a place we can't find her  location . we can find her when she stop at her destination or even after that if she blocked her every source of communication it would be very troublesome finding her and it would take a lot of time and I gotta no patience with it . " You are understanding what i am saying "

" So Best of luck junkook ,reach her if you can ."

So how this ch everyone do tell me hmm !

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So how this ch everyone do tell me hmm !.

 Ćelestina .|| Junkook Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now