
884 45 31

August 4, 2023

A few weeks had passed. Mingi and Yunho had just said goodbye to Mingi's parents and got into the car. Mingi looked at Yunho, who held the steering wheel firmly in his hands. "Ready?" he asked and Yunho looked at him. He nodded and started the engine.

The time had come. They drove back. Back to Yunho's family. The last few weeks had been the best Mingi had ever experienced. He and Yunho had done so much with his parents and had grown even closer. Mingi could see how Yunho was getting happier and more energetic day by day. But all happiness had come to an end and they finally had to face all their problems. Mingi wished they could just stay with his parents, but Yunho had to go back. He had to talk to the others. Mingi was proud of him for finally coming to terms with everything and wanting to draw a line under it.

Yunho looked at Mingi and back onto the road. "Let's go." he smiled and drove off. Mingi was excited and anxious at the same time.


The sun had just disappeared behind the horizon when Yunho's car stopped in front of the huge house. Mingi looked around and mixed feelings came up in him. Yunho smiled. "What do you say if you just go straight to my room while I talk to the others?" Mingi nodded slightly. "And you're sure you're going to make it?" Yunho leaned forward and gave Mingi a soft kiss. He looked deep into his eyes. "I'm sure of it. Everything will be fine."

This time it was him who reassured Mingi. Together they got out of the car and walked towards the house. Mingi could feel the confused looks of the bodyguards on his face, but they just kept walking to the door. Mingi took Yunho's hand and gave him a loving last look. Then Yunho entered the door code and they entered the familiar building.

Fortunately, no one was to be seen in the living room. Mingi walked straight to his room as Yunho had told him. He wanted Yunho to do it alone. Heart pounding, he sat down on Yunho's bed. Although everything felt familiar, he also had a strange feeling and he realized that Yunho had been right. This was no longer their home.


"Anyone home?" Yunho called across the huge living room. He was nervous, but he knew what he wanted to say.

The first person to enter the room was San. He was more than just surprised. "You're back!" he spoke with relief and a huge smile formed on his lips. Yunho couldn't help but walk up to him and hug him. San let it happen and looked at Yunho worriedly.

"Where have you been all this time, we were worried." Yunho swallowed. "Are the others here, I need to talk to you all." San scratched his head. "Hongjoong and Seonghwa are definitely here, I'll have to check on Yeosang." Yunho nodded gratefully and San walked to the stairs.

Yunho took a deep breath and walked in the direction of Hongjoong's room. He knocked nervously on the black door. "Yes?" he heard from inside. Yunho hesitantly opened the door. He didn't know how Hongjoong would react and although he trusted him somehow, he was just as scared.

His eyes scanned the room until they stopped on a person sitting on the bed. Hongjoong was wearing his pyjamas, but his eyes looked as dangerous as ever. He caught sight of Yunho and looked briefly surprised, but immediately regained his composure. "You're back?" he asked with a sakarstic undertone. Yunho knew that his father must have told him everything. His gaze wandered to Hongjoong's foot, which was wrapped in a white bandage. He didn't know how he could ever hurt him, but the moment Hongjoong had told him the truth, he had lost control of his emotions.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Hongjoong said, apparently having noticed Yunho's gaze. He slowly got up from his bed. "I'm sorry," Yunho said, looking Hongjoong in the eyes. "It's okay." Hongjoong mumbled and nodded. Yunho suddenly felt a thousand times lighter. Hongjoong didn't smile and yet it felt like he did.

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