Avoidance and Bitterness.

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Tyler's POV:

I've been avoiding the others the past challenges and i've been winning. I'm tired of pretending to be "clumsy" and it's time to show who i really AM.

"Hey Tyler..you've been ignori-" i cut Heather off mid sentence. "Shut the fuck up before i send you to hell, bimbo." That surprised her but oh well.

I was sitting on the economy class since its almost elimination ceremony. I've reached the final 5 and i'm absolutely PROUD of myself.

I'll show Vale- Alejandro  whos boss. I'll make him PAY.

Heather's POV:

Tyler has been avoiding everyone and has been quite bitter. I dont know why, maybe because of Alejandro..

I asked him about it but he just told me to shut up before he sends me in hell..thats not the same Tyler we met in island...

I went to find the others and i saw Tyler with a flip phone?!

Its not bad to eavesdrop..right??

I hear him talking..

"Yeah Husky~..i'll be back as soon as i can alright? Tell Charlie i'm ok."

Im gonna confront him.


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