Chapter 5

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tw: hints of smut

In the days that follow, Miranda finds herself increasingly drawn to you. The memory of the heated conversation with Wilhemina still lingering on her mind, feeling a desire she struggles to suppress.

However, the attempts Miranda made so far were unsuccessful. Emily had been unusually demanding this week, causing for you to run around pretty much all day, doing errands, meetings and other things.

Despite you being usual flirty especially with both of them, you somehow didn't even notice Miranda's tries. The attention she had tried to give you this week. The times she asked you how you were, even invited you for coffee and even a subtle hand on your thigh under the table of meetings or a hand on your shoulder as you organised her desk the other day.

Miranda grows frustrated at first, thinking you had in fact no desire for her. However, Wilhemina made sure to remind the other woman how much you had worked this week and of your interest and flirting to begin with.

Tonight Miranda is determined to finally make her intentions clear as she decides to take matters into her own hands. It was the evening now and Miranda made sure to pass some tasks onto Emily, so she would finally stop bossing you around. As everyone had left for the night, even Wilhemina, as the last traces of daylight faded from the New York sky, Miranda gets ready for her move.

With precision, she approaches your desk, her gaze fixates on you. ,,Y/N'' Miranda murmurs, her voice low and seductive. ,,I need to see you in my office''.

You look up from your computer, buried in some tasks up til now, your brow furrowing. ,,Now Miranda?'' only noticing now how late it was.

,,Now'' Miranda insist, her tone leaving no room for arguing.

Following Miranda, you feel the blood pumping through your veins, especially as she closes the door behind you. She walks over to the windows, closing the blinds, suddenly her office feeling private.

Without a word Miranda crosses the room, her movement purposeful and deliberate. You take a good look at her, the black suit, white shirt and red bell she is wearing, her heels making the slightest noise as she walks over to you. And right there it suddenly dawns on you what you had missed this week. Like some sort of dream you are just wakening from, you remember the hints she dropped you this week, her hand on your leg and all the attempts she made.

With a swift motion, Miranda pulls you into her embrace, her lips crashing against yours. A kiss that ignited a fire of desire. You are caught off guard by Miranda's actions. But surprised and attracted at her boldness, you respond the favour, your hands tangling in her hair as your bodies press against each other.

Miranda slowly pushes you to the direction of her desk, moving all the documents and books with one swift motion as she lays you down. Kisses trail down your neck, her hot breath on your body, whispering words of affection into your ear.

Your heels are discarded on the floor as your back hit the desk. Miranda's eyes meet yours as she takes your tights off, slipping under your skirt. ,,Now you've been blowing me off all week, are you sure this isn't what you want?'' she questions, a smirk playing on her lips.

You gulp hard, struggling to even answer her question as your breath gets caught in your throat. ,,I do- I.. I want you Miranda'' you whisper, your gaze wandering from her lips to her chest.

,,Now that's all... I wanted to hear'' she smirks before giving you exactly what you needed in that moment.


As you wake up the following morning, you find yourself in Miranda's townhouse. Not exactly remembering how you got there, you get dressed, walking down the large hallway. The sun rises coating the white and modern place in a beautiful orange.

Approaching the kitchen you halt for a moment, seeing Miranda standing by the coffee maker, she must have let you sleep in a little as she was already dressed for the day. You take in her perfect features, the way her skirt complimented her body, her hair perfectly styled.

,,Good morning'' you mumble, announcing your presence, unsure what Miranda would be like this morning, knowing her icy personality at times.

,,Morning'' she smiles a little as she turns around and hands you a coffee in a to-go cup.

,,Come on, I'll take you to the office'' she announces, grabbing her handbag and coat.

,,You.. to the office?'' you stumble over your words, in disbelief she would take you there, with the risk of being seen.

,,Wilhemina will bring you some of your things so you can get ready there'' she announces with a slight smirk and you simply reach for the coffee with a thankful nod and comply, following the older woman out into the streets of New York.

A few hours later, you find yourself sitting by your desk, working through your schedule, Wilhemina of course having complied and brought you a bag to change and get ready. And through some miracle no one seems to have noticed either, however you aren't entirely sure if Miranda had pulled some strings and made sure the office was empty this morning.

It's Wilhemina's and Miranda's usual coffee ,,date'' by now, even though neither of them would ever remotely adress it as such. As you scan the room, you see Emily typing away on her computer, occasionally answering the phone. And you can't help but glance into your bosses office, taking in their features. They seem to feel more comfortable at this point, leaving the office door open, unless it's a private conversation.

Overhearing the conversation, you can't help but chuckle at the exchange between the two. ,,Can you believe the nerve of these interns Miranda?'' Wilhemina starts and sighs dramatically ,,One of them had the audacity to ask if they could take a lunch break'' she carries on.

Miranda simply raises an eyebrow before muttering ,,And what was your response? Wilhemina?''.

,,I told them that in this office, we don't take breaks, we make breakthroughs'' the redhead smirks ,,They looked like I just told them the world was ending'' she carries on.

Emily, feeling a little more comfortable around Wilhemina by now, actually having established some sense of a professional relationship can't help but roll her eyes in a playful way. ,,Oh please'' she begins, her voice ringing through the office.

,,You think you're so high and mighty, you're just Miranda's lapdog, same as the rest of us'' she sighs dramatically and you can't help but chuckle, used to these little exchanges by now.

You hear Wilhemina's laughter echoing through the office ,,At least I'm not the one fetching soy lattes every morning''.

,,You mean.. not anymore?'' Emily smirks, meeting your gaze.

Miranda interjects ,,Emily get me the latest issue of Runway and Wilhemina stop wasting my time with petty banter, we have work to do''.

And with those words, you simply chuckle to yourself before continuing your work, but somehow not being able to keep your eyes of either of the two women you work for.

Miranda Priestly x Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Dragon meets PurpleWhere stories live. Discover now