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WARNING: if you are triggered by even reading about someone who committed suicide, pls do not read this chapter....

Yes, Drusilla is an awful narrator...

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Drusilla. my so called name is Drusilla, and yes just Drusilla. I don't have any other name added to my name, maybe it's because I am unwanted, maybe it's because I'm a nuisance.

I don't even know why I was named Drusilla or who named me Drusilla.

Alexis (My mom) abandoned me when I was 3 years old. I had then stayed in an orphan home for a very long time.

As for my dad... I don't know him, as far as I can remember he was never in my life.

I have been in and out of many foster home but finally, finally I was welcomed into what seemed to be the perfect family, a place I could call home.

Really funny.

Well "a place I could call home" is definitely my 12 year old mindset.

I couldn't call it home, I can't, I just can't.

I got into the foster home when I was 12, I was happy i found people who actually loved me, or so I thought.

Well, I know my foster mom loved me and that was certain.

Unfortunately she died in an accident on our way to get knew clothes for me, it was the third day of my stay in the foster home.

"Fuck!!" ( Loud subbing)

"She died but I survived, why did I survive? Why didn't I die instead of her? Why did it happen? Am I cursed?" ( Tears flowing down my cheeks while I'm running)

After mom died dad (My foster dad) blamed me for everything, called me names and said I was bad luck.

I started getting silent treatment from dad and my two brothers Nathaniel and Ambrose. My third brother Daniel always kept me company tho.

Few months passed.......
Just two months passed.....

Nathaniel commits the unthinkable, he unalived himself, he committed suicide....

And then again I got blamed for it.

I thought I would be receiving the silent treatment again.

I wished I had just received the silent treatment, but instead, instead I received continuous beating from my foster dad.

Time flew fast tho.

I am now 17 years old.

I have grown much taller, my dark curly hair now very long.

I am slender, but have little hips and also a round bobble butt.

My life is now like a sad boring old story.

Well, I have decided I would work really hard and save lots of money so I could leave this house and go to college or something.

Well, I Know one thing for sure, I am definitely leaving this place and never looking back.

As of James ( my foster dad) he wouldn't be able to survive without me, I would love to see him try.

James is now an acholic, he doesn't do anything useful and I have to go to work after school inorder to pay the bills.

Just few more months,
Few more months and all this would become my past.

Although it would be hard to move on, to love myself, to forget all the pain that they have caused me. But still, I will try to heal myself, heal my mind.

This chapter is Drusilla literally summarizing her life while she is on her usual morning run.

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'll be uploading another one soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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