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*Main Character*

Sa'Mirah Aries Jones (Bean)
Kennedy's Step Sister
Sa'Keira's Big Sister

*Main Character*RaShad Jalonè (JAH-lon-EE) White (Rah Rah)20The Twins & Rashae's Big Brother

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*Main Character*
RaShad Jalonè (JAH-lon-EE) White (Rah Rah)
The Twins & Rashae's Big Brother

*Main Character*RaShad Jalonè (JAH-lon-EE) White (Rah Rah)20The Twins & Rashae's Big Brother

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Kennedy Marie Truet (Kenny)
Sa'Mirah Step Sister
Sa'Keira Sister

Kennedy Marie Truet (Kenny)19Sa'Mirah Step SisterSa'Keira Sister

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Joy Amiria Baker (JJ)
Sa'Mirah's Best Friend

Sa'Nei (SAH-NEY) Anijay Jones-Truet (DollBaby) or (DB)35Sa'Mirah & Sa'Keira's MomKevin's Wife

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Sa'Nei (SAH-NEY) Anijay Jones-Truet (DollBaby) or (DB)
Sa'Mirah & Sa'Keira's Mom
Kevin's Wife

Sa'Keira A'ceya (ACE-CEE-AH) Jones-Truet (Tink or Tinkerbell)7Sa'Mirah & Kennedy's Little Sister

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Sa'Keira A'ceya (ACE-CEE-AH) Jones-Truet (Tink or Tinkerbell)
Sa'Mirah & Kennedy's Little Sister

Sa'Keira A'ceya (ACE-CEE-AH) Jones-Truet (Tink or Tinkerbell)7Sa'Mirah & Kennedy's Little Sister

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Rahseem Deon White (Ace)
RaShad's Little brother
Rasheed's Twin
RaShae's Big brother

Rasheed Dante White (Duece)19RaShad's Little brother Rahseem TwinRaShae's Big brother

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Rasheed Dante White (Duece)
RaShad's Little brother
Rahseem Twin
RaShae's Big brother

Rasheed Dante White (Duece)19RaShad's Little brother Rahseem TwinRaShae's Big brother

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RaShae Drew White (Lil Man)
Rashad & The Twins Little Brother

Kevin Monte Truet (Kev)39Kennedy & Sa'Keira's DadSa'Mirah's Step DadSa'Nei's Husband

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Kevin Monte Truet (Kev)
Kennedy & Sa'Keira's Dad
Sa'Mirah's Step Dad
Sa'Nei's Husband

Kevin Monte Truet (Kev)39Kennedy & Sa'Keira's DadSa'Mirah's Step DadSa'Nei's Husband

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