5 「I M P R I N T E E ' S - M A R K」 7

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Third point of viewOutside the quileute pack houseWithin the truck of Sam Uley with Catherine and Sam

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Third point of view
Outside the quileute pack house
Within the truck of Sam Uley with Catherine and Sam

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐌'𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐈𝐓 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓, Catherine could barely hold onto her sanity as she felt Sam's heavy thrust racking through her body.

The material beneath her fingers two steps from tearing as the young woman felt every nerve in her body firing off, along with the instinct to close her legs.

The toned meaty thighs, of which, squeezing on Sam as the pleasure and pressure quickly became too much for her small plump body, however with Sam's larger and more muscular thighs being between hers the action was near impossible.

Instead, her legs were only allowed to tremble and shake as sobbed and repetitive 'ah, ah, oh my gods' left the bunny shifter's stuttering lips. The peak of her orgasm was quick to stumble its way into the pit of her belly, her ovaries nearly calling for everything the man had to offer.

The thumbing rushing sound of her blood rushing passed her ears from her heart to her head, nearly drowning out everything around her as her eyes wailed shut.

If not for the lustful and raspy sound of Sam's deeper sensual voice, that came from directly beside her ear as he nuzzled down into the left corner of Cathy's head and collar bone. His warm deep breath fanned over the entirety of her ear as he grunted and groan like a caveman, the lightest moan finding its way through only here and there.

"Tell me something, sugar." Sam instructed gruffly as he still hadn't heard what he had wanted to, instead he softly wrapped his right arm further around Catherine's back.

Entwining both of his hands together behind her as he stifled the load filled of grunts and groans he couldn't help but let out at the constant tightening of his girl's plush cunt. The way her warm soft walls somehow pulled him in so much deeper than he thought possible, whilst squeezing him to the point of wanting to desperately milk him

Instead the Alpha Shifter focused his mind and attention more so on pressing himself closer and closer to the unmarked side of her neck, once again beaconed by a sense of pride and romantic possession.

The man's thrust only slowing down pace a bit as he started to grind into the air, his hips pushing himself deeper into his girl's cunt as he firmly pulled her against him. Stirring up Catherine's inside as his dick found it's way near centimeters from her cervix due to his long deep thrusts, the slow pace barely slowing the nonstop waves of pleasure that vibrated through Catherine's body.

The sudden change in rhythm and position only cause the girl's eyes to go wider, a short sobbed scream leaving her lips as she felt Sam's dick pressing directly against her soft inner sweet spot.

"Uhh-Ahh!" Catherine dragged out a high pitched barely recognizable moan, tears quick to gather at the corner of her eyes as she wound her shaking arms around Sam's neck. "Sa-amm!"

The teen quickly becoming enraptured in the man's essence, her hips barely managing to buck back down against him as she chased her own release. Slowly finding herself falling further and further into the atmosphere, forgetting that they were only in the man's truck outside of their pack house.

So with that most few details slowly fading from Catherine's head, the noises leaving her mouth became unabashedly louder and entirely more lewd. One of her hands finding its way into the back of Sam's hair, tightly pulling against the short gel slicked follicles, whilst the other barely hung over the back of his neck.

Tightly gripping the back of his shirt as she barely managed to stay on top of him, the pleasure slowly becoming to much without an end in sight.

"Hmm, go ah-ahead baby," Sam barely managed to grunt out a soft moan nearly tumbling from his lips as he pulled her as tight to his body as possible, the mental thought of even letting her go making him want to pull her all the more tighter. "cum for me, yeah?"

As he spoke the man tilted his head to the left, now able to see a bit more of his imprint's face as he consecutively thrusted his thick length into her quivering mewling cunt.

One of his hands slipping from the other as he lightly pulled the hair from her sweat stricken face, quick to draw his bottom lip under his teeth as he noticed her blessed out face; eyebrows furrowed and all.

"Fuck, Fuck, Oh My- Sam!" Catherine let out a slew of slurs as she felt her body begin to suddenly convulse, not expecting her own orgasm to obey the man below her more so than her own will.

Yet she had no chose in the matter as her body tightened up, the feeling of a bliss-filled pleasure running through every veins in her body, the teen not even able to hold back the curse words she rarely used.

"Yeah, baby let it out." Sam grunted softly as he brought his left hand to down to sharply smack the clothed surface of Catherine's bum, causing the poor girl to squeak as she jolted.

The action only causing her to tighten around Sam again, although unbeknownst to her, yet her oblivious state didn't stop Sam's chest from heaving breathlessly.

The man closing his eyes in order to pause his thoughts for a moment, knowing she'd most likely need some kind of break even if it meant him not getting off.

Although as he sat there panting, waiting for some kind of confirmation that Catherine was okay other than the softening of her cunt and actual breathing, he was only suddenly met with a sharp pain on his chest.

The unexpected and adamant feeling causing a light hiss to leave his lips before he quickly glanced down.

Only to quickly come face to face with the top of Catherine's head, leaning all to closely to were the pain had suddenly for a second sprouted from letting him know that she'd bitten him out of overstimulation.

"You okay, sweet-love?" Sam asked with a soft chuckled, no shyness or awkward feelings for not finishing yet as he softly ran his hand over the back of her head.

Doing his best to not mess up the slightly frizzing hair that irratically flowed over the larger portion of Catherine's back, not bothered by the small sharp fangs that were currently buried into his chest.

Although quickly regaining her senses, Catherine softly pulled back from the man's chest, shaking as she wiped her lips that had garnered a small pool of drool.

"Mmhmm." She hummed with a nod of her head, unable to fully sit back as it was only pressing Sam deeper within her stomach, something of which she could intensely feel.

Causing the girl to softly bring her hands up to her stomach, right against were she could feel the pressure holding still from Sam's dick that was currently nestled inside of her.

Watching over her face, Sam couldn't help the small smile that grew a few inches as he watched her attempt to get used to the feeling of his length inside of her, whether she was oblivious to the way she was squeezing onto him right now or not, was a question to him.

"That's good." Sam nodded his head in the same manner that Catherine did, whilst bringing his hand up to swipe away a few stray hairs that managed to crowd his girl's soft face.

However his soft expression and gentle caresses, didn't stop the man from softly pulling back and thrusting up into the woman's body again.

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