Fatso Meeting y/n

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In the night in crescent cove where the klowns started to kill a lot of people, and they've been to different houses, streets, parks and stores. And Fatso was walking around to find any humans to kill, untill he heard a sound of a woman in distress, she cried loudly that he can hear her from inside the house. Then he decided to go knock on her door, and she opens the door and she was a bit surprised to see an unexpected visitor, then Fatso took a look at her beautiful face.

And her eyes where sparkling like a real diamond, and Fatso started to blush by her lovely beauty, "hello, can I help you?" Said the woman who was wiping her tears away, "good evening miss, I don't wanna try to be a creep, but I was just walking around and I kinda heard that you were really sad about something, and I was wondering if you wanna talk about it?"

Fatso said as he was just a bit curious about why this female is sad, so she was really friendly towards other people even when they're not nice to her, so she lets him in her house. After she shuts the door he comes to sit next to her on the sofa, while Fatso wasn't looking, the woman couldn't help but blushed by his really cute face, then Fatso looked back at her as she was trying to not get caught by looking at him.

"So, what's wrong mam?, what's going through your mind?" Fatso said as he looked at her, and she took a deep breath and said: "well... I recently broke the news to my now ex boyfriend, that I'm pregnant and he left me, he said he's going outside the US and not coming back, EVER!!!" She said as she started to cry more, and out of nowhere Fatso hugged her while rubbing her back, "mam, you didn't do anything wrong, he's just a fucking jerk who doesn't want to take care of his responsibility!"

Fatso said as he shook his head in disgust, and the woman hugged him back, "so what's your name mam?" Asked Fatso as she looked up at him, "I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you!" Said y/n as she greeted him, "I'm Fatso!, you have a really beautiful name!" Fatso complemented as he was greeted her, "well thank you Fatso!"

She thanked him as she blushes. And she suddenly started to kiss Fatso's cheek, he blushed and looked at her and Fatso kissed her soft lips, and y/n was shocked but she melted into the kiss and kissed him back. Then Fatso asked y/n if she wanted to go for a walk with him, and she agreed then they both went out the door, and they both started to talk to each other about what they do in their everyday lives, and y/n also talked about figuring out how she's going to be raising a child alone, but Fatso thought about it and he wants to help her throughout her pregnancy, even though they just met but y/n just didn't mind at all.

Author's Note:
Okay, so the real reason why I'm writing this story it's cuz, before I get to that I really love viewing killer klowns fan art on Tumblr a lot, and my favorite artist of killer klowns wanted a Fatso x Reader story but there isn't any on here, sooo today I have decided to publish this for her, if you see this, I'm actually the one who commented on your yt videos!!! 😊😊😊😊😊
Well anyways, I hope you guys really enjoyed this chapter for Fatso, and have a really nice day!!!🥰❤️💕

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