the past

7 1 15

first person

how i've met tooru and hajime.. i honestly don't remember that much. we were merely children, with big ambitions, dreams, needs, but, we still found each other. i sometimes think it was the universe planning this─fate may i call it. and honestly, i'm content with it, i'm happy that i've met them. should i rewind? yeah, i should. here's my story of how i've met them.

it was summer, july 6th, a weird date to move to another city, but my parents had no other choice. i felt a bit alone as an seven year old, having to move to another city that i had no idea existed, was a big change for me.

my parents enrolled me to a school. i don't remember the name of it, unfortunately. but, i do remember all the good times while being there.

in my first day, i've met a boy, it was hajime. i never knew that'd change my life forever, and i thank hajime for meeting me─for being for me. he was the one to introduce me to tooru, i honestly thought he was a bit egotistical but i didn't care, i had friends, and i was so happy. i told my parents i had made friends and they were surprised, but happy for me.

the next day, hajime and tooru met me at the school entrance, with happy faces. they told me about this sport, volleyball. i had never played it before, i never knew it existed. tooru begged me to go try it out with them, and i reluctantly agreed─i wasn't the best at sport, afterall. for all day, they were excited for the mini volleyball practice they were gonna have with their new friend.

time came, and it was time for me to go to this volleyball practice, honestly, i was pumped up, hajime and tooru told me about these cold things.. like, they said i could be a middle blocker! i didn't know what was that, but i felt happy. aw man, how i miss being a child.

during practice, tooru and hajime were cheering on me, as i tried keeping up with them. it was rough at first, but i started to like it. after the practice, the coach asked me if i wanted tot join, and i of course said yes. hajime and tooru were elated to know i was joined, and they even hugged me. no friend had tried to hug me before, and this sensation was the best i had ever experienced i had experimented.

hajime and tooru's parents came to pick them up, and they talked to me. they were super cool! tooru's parents told me i could go to their house one time to watch a movie with him and hajime! i was excited, and i said yes, as my mom arrived to pick me up. tooru's mom talked to her and my mom was happy for me, and agreed to it.

for the next days of settling in my new school, tooru and hajime made sure that i was comfortable in the classroom, and i made other friends too! i still remember their names, mizuno-san was a blonde haired guy, and he was very nice. oh, and this girl named momo! she was a really good dancer. ( oooooh, i wonder who that is 👀 ) but, anyways. tooru, hajime and i often hung out together, and even our parents became friends. i honestly couldn't be happier.

until, it happened.

i honestly don't remember how it happened, and why. but one time, in volleyball practice, we were practicing like normal, but, hajime had spiked into my face. i have no idea how, but that ball had made contact with one of my pupils, immediately damaging my cornea. it didn't bleed, but i couldn't see.

from the shock, i passed out. after i woke up, i was in a hospital, with my parents beside me. i had no idea why and what i was doing there. it was a little scratch, right? it wasn't too much. but, something had happened. i couldn't open my left eye. how silly of me! i forgot to.

my eye wouldn't open. i started to get desperate and sob. my parents woke up and tried to calm me down, as the doctors came in to explain my situation. it was a very complicated event, that my seven year old little brain couldn't process. i only remember that my eye would be okay, and it needed to heal.

i was discharged three days later, with an eyepatch. when i returned the school, hajime and tooru didn't talk to me, and when i tried to talk to them, they ran away. did i do something wrong? i was devastated. did i have to go back to my lonely past? i didn't want to feel alone again.

but alas, i started to eat alone, and no one else talked to me. they even started to make fun of my eyepatch. i always sobbed myself to sleep. but, i always tried to talk to them, to hajime and tooru, but they didn't want to talk to me. is it because i became a freak? is it because i only have one eye? am i embarrassing them?

two months had passed from the incident, and they still wouldn't talk to me. but, one day, they showed up at my house. i was confused, and surprised.

"huh? what are you guys doing here..?" i asked, super confused.

i remember them taking flowers and cookies from behind their backs. and with their little shy child voice, they apologized for everything and that they didn't mean to ignore me. specially hajime, he was about to bow but i stopped him. for some reason, i giggled at them, and forgave them.

i could never forget the faces they made when i forgave them, and they literally tackled me into a hug. my parents, hearing the commotion, they ran downstairs, but as the saw the scene of them hugging me tightly, they smiled and let us do our own things.

after that, i let them inside and we watched movies while we talked about trivial things. i told them i wouldn't be able to play volleyball for a while since my cornea was still damaged, and they understood it. i have no idea when, but i had fell asleep on top of them. it was a weird position, i was sandwitched in between them on the couch, my parents even have a photo, but personally i'm not gonna show it to anyone cause i look so embarrassing there.

that night, i finally slept peacefully. and those peaceful night stayed until junior high.

oh boy, junior high was something i'd rather forget.

‿ 🪽 ★ i still get a little scared of something new, but i feel a little safer when i'm with you. - cavetown.

oqjsiqjsjai2828nsziqinsq8qj i forgot i had this lil fella here.

ok so the plan is:
1 - past
2 - the present
and then
3 - the timeskip era

ok i spoiled too much goodbye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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