34. The Bonding of Two (part 1)

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A lovely day rolls by as izuku and Steven walk on the boardwalk, izuku isn't putting much attention to where they were going, but Connie is planning on taking him to the clothes store to get him away from the celebration they had planned for him

It was his wedding day, and Connie wanted to distract him by checking out suits for him, because of all the mess that was happening izuku had forgotten the day of his wedding to a degree

He had the flowers and the rest, like the ring, which was a silver, copper and golden ring, each with a small image on them

Copper for the color orange, or the closest to it, meaning bravery
Silver for a light blue or gray, for the meaning of wisdom
And gold for the love they all feel for one another

Connie:"your wedding is coming up, and we need to prepare you for your special day, so I've decided with the help of Blue Pearl with the suit you're wearing" he nodded with a smile

Izuku:"I was thinking of something a little more like me, something not too bad, but not overly fancy" he looked at the various types

They looked around, spotting blue, green which to be honest izuku wanted but it didn't suit the time, and red, before finding a black suit that matches the exact principles that they were looking for him to wear

Black with a small pocket on the left side of the chest, and silver buttons with a pattern on the front with a barely visible dark gray

They took him to try it on, fitting perfectly with the addition of being breathable and stretchy

They later got out of the shop with the bags of clothes and a few things ixuku thought that would fit Connie as a gift

They walked onto the boardwalk, before Connie's stomach growled

Izuku:"you hungry?" She nodded embarrassed because of it "come on, I can cook for you when we get home" they continued on

He walked before noticing that she was moving slower then usual, causing suspicious

He was worried for her, even if they interact sometimes, he's always seen her as a friend, even if she was human

She suddenly stopped after a while
Connie:"izuku... I got a question..." He turned to her before nodding in acceptance

Izuku:"what is it?" Shadows covered her eyes before continuing

Connie:"sir, what's it feel like to... to" she looked at him in the eyes before continuing "to feel... true love?" A blush on her cheeks appeared

He was taken back by the question, but knew the answer to it either way

Izuku:"it's... It's like being connected to someone you have deep affection too, to love someone that you know will always be by your side no matter what, to confess to those feelings and not be jealous about the way they talk about someone else, but then true can be felt differently by everyone" he looked at her, knowing what she felt "you have a crash on steven, don't you"

She nodded, blushing a deep crimson, izuku know this by the looks she gave him, nervous about such

They got home, being met by decorations and more around the beach

Suddenly it struck him, it was the wedding day, the sacred celebration of a true and unbreakable bonding of two souls, or that what he believes

He ran to the house, hiding from them before entering with no one inside, he quickly changed into his suit and cooked for Connie, after all he didn't want Connie to continue the day on an empty stomach

Connie looked at him with tired eyes, to izuku it was confusing to see this, she takes care of herself quite well, he doesn't understand the reason behind this

She eats before a green glow caused by the healing abilities covered her body, suddenly she was back to normal

Izuku:"Connie, are you alright?" She nodded before lifting a part of her shirt to show a scar left by the healing glow

Connie:"i did something wrong on one of the missions and got hurt, it didn't go away, so I took advantage of Steven's healing ability to help, but it only took the pain away" he wasn't mad but confused, he didn't mind

He got out of the house, before music started to play, he was prepared for this lovely day he's been waiting for,

Walking down the red carpet, seeing sapphire and Ruby both in a wedding gown, both with a pattern with their respective colors, putting both of them side by side caused the allusion of a heart to form out of their patterns

A dreamy look in their eyes

He got to the podium, Bismuth was also there, with an apologetic look on her face, izuku knew she felt bad and still didn't forgive her, but expected a change, an opportunity for such

Steven stood behind the podium ready to start, he faced all three of them

Steven:"you nervous?" He whispered

All three shoke there heads, before Sapphire and Ruby patted a spot of fire and ice, and izuku shoke away a spark of electricity

Steven:"dearly beloved, gems, human, and other worldly beings, we all gather here today to celebrate, izuku, Ruby and Sapphire, three of my favorite people to combine into one of my Mo- other favorite people" he smiles with hope, and joy "you all now her as Garnet and Lunar, she's their love given form" he looked at them "and now it's your turn to talk about that"

Izuku:"I know it's all silly, after all we've been together since five thousand seven hundred years"

Ruby/Sapphire:"and eight months" they blush a bright pink/purple

Izuku:"when were together, we feel powerful, and it feel ok to feel like myself, or you to be yourselfs" he looked at them before continuing "and I wouldn't exchange that for the world or more then that"

Sapphire:"you took the chance, the possibilities of an endless same future, but you changed that, saving me, not once but multiple times from a bad future, and opened my eye to the endless possibilities of a river" she uncovered her eye showing a spark of hope and deep love in them "what I mean is, you changed my life and i chaged your's in many ways" she grabbed ther hands

Connie's carries the rings over to izuku, who put the ring on there fingers
Steven:"izuku, do you take there hand in marriage and beyond the cosmos of the universe and more?!"

Izuku:"i do" he accepted there hands

Steven:"Ruby and Sapphire?, do you-" he was cut off by them both

Ruby/Sapphire:"I do!"
Steven:"you didn't let me finish!" He whispered
Sapphire:"we were just excited

Steven:"and now with the power invented, you are now Garnet and Lunar!" He smiled in excitement

They kissed each other before Ruby and Sapphire fused into Garnet

Garnet:"Howdy love?" She kisses him passionately before they fused into a smalled Lunar

Lunar:"it's good to be back" she stretched her body, causing the cracks to disappear from her form

She wore a wedding gown and the suit, smiling greatly, the vision covered all her eyes instead of the top future eye
Her skin had a galaxy type of look to it, with the face being a light gary color

She picked up Steven before hugging him
Lunar:"thank you for bringing them back together" Steven blushed slightly out of embarrassment

Steven:"I did it for you Mom" he said, not realizing what he said

Lunar:"Mom?, were your Mother now?" She smirks teasingly

Steven:"ummm... Sorry Mo- Lunar!" He covered his face out of embarrassment and fright

She giggled slightly before hugging him and letting him go afterwards

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