nurses office

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camels point of view

At first lunch break, we started playing basketball, I walked to the basketball court and started to play with Happy, Megamind, Cinderella, Dopey, Edna, Bean and Buzz Buzz. 

Happy threw the ball at me and I ran to catch it, with Buzz Buzz jum

ping to get the ball as well. I felt the round hard ball touch my fingertips, until I feel another heavy thing falling on me, I then realized it was fucking fatass Buzz Buzz before I felt my head hit the ground.

As I opened my eyes again after huge pain in my head from the fall, only to feel Buzz Buzz on top of me. "What the fuck!?" I yelled, gaining a small tint of blush on my cheeks, as Buzz Buzz lifted his head, maintaining eye contact for at least 5 seconds before he finally came to realization of what just happened.

 "Camel!" Screamed Happy, "I wish I was taking a picture of this!" Laughed Dopey.

I then realized my leg was bleeding, a lot as well. "Camel! Are you alright?? I'm so sorry!!" Said Buzz Buzz. "Its fine okay don't worry" I said while looking away to hide my flustered face.

 Theres no fucking way I like Buzz Buzz. "Teacher! A student is injured!" Yelled Buzz Buzz, in a distressed tone.

Buzz Buzz point of view

At the first lunch break, I started to play basketball with my fellow friends! My team was Cinderella, Dopey, and Bean, while the team we were versing was Happy, Megamind, Camel and Edna. Happy threw the ball to Camel, while I tried to defend by also trying to get the ball, but suddenly tripped and I was on top of Camel! I could feel my entire body heating up as I realized I was literally on top of Camel, one part of me wanted to pretend to faint to stay on him forever, but I knew I could never do that. 

"What the fuck!?" Camel yelled, I noticed he was blushing a little, which shocked me. 

I heard his friends calling out his name as I realized that his leg was bleeding severely. A wave of worry went over me, and I started to panic, "Camel! Are you okay?? I'm so sorry!!" I said loudly, he said he was fine while stuttering and looking away with a huge tint of blush on his beautiful face. 

He's so fucking cute I want him so bad right now, but what was more important was that I called a teacher for Camel. I yelled for a teacher and Mr Breaking came immediately. 

"Wow! That is a big wound, I think you should go to the sick bay, Buzz Buzz, you can come with him since you were the one that called for me." He said in a shocked tone. Mr Breaking then left the scene to continue walking around the school. 

"Well, uh yeah, do you want me to help you walk there?" I said, nervously. "Okay? I mean my leg is literally fucking bleeding a puddle what do you expect?" Camel said, jumping back to his normal sassy attitude.

 I nodded my head slowly and Camel put his arm around my shoulder as he uses me as his support to walk. I could feel his warm arm against my skin, and his hot breath against my neck as I feel like a red tomato. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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