The Hand That Rocked the Mabel

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A week had passed since Connie had come to visit. Things had been relatively calm, and almost a little boring. Steven got off his shift working the gift shop to find the twins and Soos in the living room, watching a tv show about a tiger... with a fist?

"Hey Steven," Dipper said, not looking away from the screen.

"Whatcha watchin'" Steven asked.

"Tiger Fist," Mabel responded, eyes also glued to the screen.

"Tiger fist will return after these messages," the tv said before a commercial started playing.

"Hey look, it's that commercial I was telling you guys about," Soos said.

"Are you completely miserable?" The commercial asked. Steven immediately didn't like it.

A crying man appeared on screen, "yes!"

"Then you need to meet... Gideon," the commercial said.

"Gideon?" Steven said

"What makes him so special?'" Mabel asked, not really expecting a reply.

The commercial answered her question, "He's a psychic."

"So don't waste your time with so-called, 'men of mystery,'" the commercial showed a not so flattering shot of Stan coming out of an outhouse, with a stamp that said FRAUD stamped over it.

"Learn about tomorrow night at Gideon's Tent of Telepathy."

There was a bunch of rapid paced speech at the end of the commercial that Steven couldn't quite make out.

"Wow!" Mabel exclaimed, "I'm gettin' all curious-y inside!"

Just then, Stan walked in, "Well don't get too curious-y! Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothing but trouble," He said, hanging his coat on the coat rack.

"Well is he really psychic?" Steven asked.

"I think we should go and find out," Dipper said, hopping off of the lounge chair.

Stan took off his bow tie as he protested, "Never! You are forbidden from patronizing the competition! No one that lives under my roof is allowed under Gideon's roof!"

"Do tents have roofs?" Steven asked.

Mabel smuggly smiled, "I like we just found our loophole."

Steven pulled up his phone and found the time for the next performance.

"It says there's going to be a showing at 8 pm, if we leave now, I think we can make it."

"Ooooo let me go put on my good sweater!" Mabel said before rushing upstairs.

Steven looked at Dipper, "Are you ready or do you need to change too?" He asked.

Dipper shrugged, "I'm good, I like this outfit."

"Well, I'm going to change out of my work shirt, be right back." He waved at Dipper before heading to his room. He quickly changed out of the Mystery Shack question mark t-shirt and into a black star shirt. He liked the star shirts the best. He put on his pink jacket and looked in the reflections of the window. Yeah, that looked good. He rejoined Soos, Dipper and Mabel in the living room.

"You guys ready?" He asked.

They all nodded and the four of them walked outside and piled into Steven's Dondai.


"Step right up there, folk! Put your money in Gideon's psychic sack!" The man at the front of the tent announced. As people walked by him, they dropped bills into the bag he was holding. Steven put two $20s in and gestured to the rest of the group behind him.

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