The Beginning

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Somewhere in the planet of cold temperatures and mountains cover with snow.

Gopal: Hey! Can you be hurry, Boboiboy?!

Boboiboy: Shh! Slow your voice down!

Boboiboy, Gopal and Soren were hiking down from the mountain.

Gopal: Just out down the egg already! I'm really hungry!

His stomach begin to growl.

Soren: Gopal, you can get your breakfast after we done.

Gopal: But I'm hungry.

Soren and Boboiboy: Shhh!

Soren, Boboiboy and Gopal jump down from the mountain and landed on the ground. Soren and Gopal hide behind the rock while Boboiboy go to the Giant Penguin who is sleeping and take care of her eggs. The Power Sphere were trap under the wing and try to get out.

Boboiboy go to the Power Sphere and lift up the wing. The Power Sphere then go out. Boboiboy place an egg and put down the wing. He then put the Power Sphere on his beg and escape.

Boboiboy: Let go, guys.

Soren nodded. Boboiboy and Soren climb back on the mountain until Gopal rush going up the mountain.

Gopal: Out of my way, you guys!

Soren: Gopal! Slow down your voice! You don't want that- Wait. What are you holding?

Gopal is holding a giant egg on his arm.

Gopal: What else? This is for my breakfast!

Soren: What?!

Boboiboy: You're not supposed to take one of the eggs!

Gopal: Why not? You guys don't like soft boiled egg?

Soren: Gopal! You idiot.....! That egg can hatch any minute right now!

Gopal: Really? It not like it gonna hatch.

Suddenly, Gopal accidentally drop the egg and it hit on the rocky mountain and landed on the snow. The egg hatch and reveal to be a baby penguin alien and it cry very loud.

Soren: Gopal! Climb up the mountain! Hurry!

The three boys climb very faster on top of the mountain. They run very faster to get out from the situation.

Soren: Boboiboy! Call Captain Papa! We need to get out from here before that Mama Penguin find us!

Gopal: You mean like that!?

Soren turn around and look at the Penguin Monster chasing them.


The three of them run very faster.

Boboiboy: This is all your fault, Gopal!

Gopal: It wasn't me! It my tummy!


The giant penguin launch herself in mid air and hit the rock and cause them to fall down from the mountain.

Gopal: Aaahhh! I don't want to die, Boboiboy!

Soren grab his card and insert it into the Neo Decadriver.

Form Ride: OOO! Tajadol Combo!
Ta~ Ja~ Dol!~

Boboiboy: Power Elemental! Boboiboy Ice!

Soren transform into D-OOO Tajadol Combo and fly to the air. While, Boboiboy transform into Ice Element.

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