The Femme Fatals

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"What the fuck happened here?" asks Dr. Stirling as she strides to Sargent Whitlock. The room reeks of death, and ruthlessly murdered bodies fill the room.
"We aren't sure just yet. All we know is that the victims were 5 of the most powerful in the city. What's interesting though is that all were killed in a different way," he began.
"What do you mean? How is that significant to the case?" replied Stirling in an angry tone.
"Well, the first to go was an ex-convict turned billionaire, George Waters. He was stabbed with an array of knives. We're talking machetes, daggers, everything. Next, was the music producer, Oliver Finlo. That gunk you see all over the walls is the remains of CEO Christian Bramwell. We're not certain, but we're pretty sure he somehow got blown up from the inside. You can tell by the ashes and burn marks here," he said pointing to a small portion on the wall.
"Then, there was Cristopher Kennedy, he was beaten to death. One of the most influential people in technology, he created a way for the FBI to hack into foreign tech without leaving a trace. It's quite impressive, and he made a fortune off of it. Finally, we have the most gruesome of all, Ryder Madden. Officer Smith says it was initially a shot to the ribs, about 12 bullets throughout the limbs, and ended with a bullet in the head. It's clear this one was thought out. There was a deep and passionate hate for him. We're contacting the families now,"

"Mother fucker," screamed Sterling angrily. She continued, "The last thing Fosco needs right now is a mass murderer killing the wealthy."
"Your missing the point, Doctor. They were all different and thought out. I'm almost certain there couldn't have been just one. It had to be multiple people," he exclaimed.
"Sargent, you may want to see this," interrupted an officer. Stirling and Whitlock turned to face the man as he motioned for them to follow him into a seperate room.
"Fucking shit," yelled Whitlock angrily as he stared at the wall. The words "love, Femme
Fatals were written in knife engravings and blood on the wall.

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