1. "Don't be a stranger kk?"

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Mia wakes up in a strange place, everything was covered in webs, "where am I?" She looks around, she walks up to a mirror which was all cracked and notices dry blood on her neck "What the-" she takes a good look and suddenly realizes"Oh my god! I'm I dead!" She cries out

"I can't be dead I- just can't be!" She turn to hears whispers from outside "No.. not again" she sods.

Stefan grabs a white sheet and places it over Mia body "Jeremy take Elena home" he says as he gives him the car keys, Elena in the corner with a face filled with tears, mascara running down her face as she looked at the body "What are doing with the body Stefan" Damon says "We find Iris, For now we go home and prepare a casket".

2 man drag iris to a fire pit "What is this?" She says "Death is a easy punishment you deserve to suffer" "ok go ahead throw me? What are you waiting for"

Both of the men looked at each other

"do you understand or something?" She said
One walks towards the fire pit and lights it off

Iris raises an eyebrow and a face filled with confusion, the other men drops Iris to the ground

"What is this?" Iris says

"Listen Iris we have a deal to propose for you"

"Wait- wait a minute you dragged me to the woods and now you're asking for some kind of deal?"

"What happened back there that was a precaution we needed the witches to believe we were on their side"

"So you kidnap me and my doppelgängers for what reason?"

"We didn't know they were going to bring all of doppelgängers it was originally supposed to be you and Mia Salvatore"

"What about Mia? Is she ok?"

They both went quiet

"What happened to Mia!" She yells, both men still didn't answer
" I order you to answer me" she yells
"We were informed that a witch named Anne killed her last night" says one of the men as he looking down
Iris stops "she did what......?" Something in her snapped in that very moment

"Iris?" One of the men says, she turns with tears running down her face then she quickly wipe them off before the the men even had a chance to see "What kind of deal are we talking about?" She asks

"The vampire Marcel I'm sure you hear of wants your help"

"Continue" she says

"You have great power and potential to lead the city could destroy great thread with a wave of your hand"

Iris takes a moment to think

"What's in it for me?" She asks " that's something you need to talk to Marcel about"

She takes a moment to think about her thoughts and the idea of this alliance
"I suppose we have a deal" she says " now show me around the city haven't been here in a while" She says.

On there way out of the city Damon bumps into Hayley and Isabella. "Damon um hey there" Isa says "Hey.." he says

"Have you seen Mia? We been looking for her?" Hayley asks,

Stefan walks up to Damon but didn't see Hayley and Isa  "Damon let's go the body is already in the car and-"

Isa looks at Stefan "A body....?" She mumbles
Isa head starts to spin "I'm sorry" she cries and walks off

"Hey..." Hayley walks towards Isa trying to hug her but Isa rejects and walks towards a nearby bridge

Hayley looks at her twin who is in pain she wishes she could take it away but then she thought of something

Hayley turns to Damon "Your a vampire right?" She says

"Yea why?"

"Isabella doesn't take death well and I don't want her to destroy herself with her I know her and Mia were close"

"Hayley are you saying you want her to forget Mia?" Stefan says

"Yes this is for the best! So please I'm begging"

"I'm sorry Hayley I have done things that I regret, and this will be one of them. I just can't hurt her anymore" Stefan says as he walk away towards the car

Hayley turn to Stefan but quickly turns back to Damon "Please...?" She said

Damon knew it was wrong but he didn't want to say no because he understood were Hayley was coming from

He walks towards Isa "You ok?"

"No....im heartbroken I could have help her" she turns towards Damon

"You know she always talk about you and Stefan how she wishes she could reverse everything she have so much regret Damon so much but she can't tell you that now because she dead..."

"Yea I know..." he says "I just wanted to make the pain go away Damon" she says as she looks down with tears all around her face

"What if I can make it all disappear? He puts his hand on her cheeks and both lock eyes

"How?" She says

Damon puts his hand on her shoulder, Isabella looks at his hand then back at him realizing what's about to happen

"Damon what are you doing?" Isa panics and then closes her eyes to reveal her wolf eyes

"Im sorry he said" he whispers " you'll forget any memory about Mia Salvatore instead all the memories that you have with her was Hayley it will be like she never left"

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"Im sorry he said" he whispers " you'll forget any memory about Mia Salvatore instead all the memories that you have with her was Hayley it will be like she never left"

"i'll forget about Mia Salvatore" isa says

"Oh Hey Damon" she says smiling
"Hey Isa.." he puts a fake smile on his face

Isa walks up to Hayley and she gives her a hug "What's the hug for?" Isa says

Hayley looks at Damon and mouths "thank you".

Damon gets into the car "you didn't actually do it did you?" Stefan asks "She just wanted to protect her sister" Damon says "I couldn't say no because I would have done the same for mine" Damon says

Stefan looks at Damon who is clearly in a lot of pain and regret

He stars the car "Let's go home" he says and drives away back to Mystic Falls.

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