03: Failed Mixer

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"So you've got a new friend, eh? How is he?"
Daichi asked over a beer.

Sugawara spoke proudly,
"He's great! He's always on time for our meetings, and he doesn't constantly talk about his marriage like someone I know,"

Daichi chuckled guiltily before asking,
"He's married?"

Sugawara shook his head,
"Don't think so. No way he's single though, he's a total catch,"
Sugawara sighed thinking about all the people you could possibly dating.

"Well if he is single, then you've got someone you can whine about being lonely to other than me,"
Daichi added.

Sugawara scowled,
"I don't whine about being lonely!"

While Daichi laughed, Sugawara couldn't help but notice the reasoning in his friend's words. It'd be nice talking to a fellow bachelor, plus the two of you could probably go to mixers together too.

Which is precisely what he decided to invite you to the next day, hoping that you'd accept his invitation.

Though first he'd have to probe out whether or not you were single like him.

"Hey [niece name], is your uncle dating anyone right now?"
The teacher asked.

Though it may have not been the most ethical thing in the world, Sugawara had to get his information from somewhere.

The little girl shook her head,
"Nuh uh! My [whichever parent you want to be related to] said that he used to a lot, but now he's going slow, but I don't know what that means,"

She went back to coloring as Sugawara processed the information he'd been given. So you were single, that was good to know. By the sound of it, you also had a whole lot more relationship experience too, which could come in handy.

So when you came to pick up your niece, he decided to bite the bullet and invite you.

"A singles mixer? I didn't think you were the type of guy to go to these things,"
You expressed while lifting up your niece.

Sugawara decided to ignore the implications of what you said and continued to try and convince you,
"C'mon, it'll be fun! Please?"

You stared at him for a while, hesitation obvious in your eyes. But looking at your teacher friend practically begging on his knees, you gave in.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be leaving with someone on my arm, I'll just go to support you,"

Sugawara let out a sigh of relief, giving you a smile,
"You're the best! Oh and also..."

You sighed,
"Yes, I'll drive,"

He gave you another smile, a slight blush dusting your cheeks for reasons you weren't aware of.

"I'm so nervous, I haven't been to one of these things in so long! How do I look?"
Sugawara couldn't stop talking while you drove to the bar the mixer was at, something you didn't mind too much.

"You look great Sugawara, I'm sure you'll find a nice guy or gal there,"

He took your words to heart, now full of confidence.


He shook nervously as you pulled into the parking lot, shaking his head.

You groaned,
"Goddamnit Sugawara, you're the one who invited me to this thing!"

He looked at you apologetically,
"I know, I'm sorry! It's just... I haven't dated anyone in..."

His face went red with embarrassment. Just how long had he gone without dating, let alone flirting?!

He felt a hand rest on his shoulder, and raised his head slightly to meet your eyes,
"You've got this, Sugawara. You'll be great out there, I'm sure of it. Now let's go, we wouldn't want to deprive those people of you,"

Once again he felt his heart well up with confidence, and this time, it seems like it'd stay that way.

The two of you walked into the bar, finding the table the mixer was being held at, and sat down.

You weren't really all that interested in finding a partner here, but to support your friend, you'd stay there. You masterfully made it seem like you were interested in dating, but also spoke in a way that dissuaded the people from trying to go any further with you.

Sugawara on the other hand was struggling a little bit. He had his good moments, but he was still a bit rusty, although there were a few people who found that quite charming.

One by one, the mixer attendees left, and soon it was just you and Sugawara alone at the bar.

"How many numbers did you get?"
You asked, setting a pile of notecards down.

His dejected expression told you all you needed to know.

"Hey, it's alright, these mixers don't usually work anyways,"

"But look at how many you got!"

His posture shrunk, and he ordered a tall beer for himself.
"I should've just stayed home..."

You patted his back comfortingly, trying to make him feel better. Anyone would feel bad after not getting a single number for a mixer, but you didn't think he'd be this sad.

He downed his beer in one go before signaling for the two of you to leave, and you guided him to his car, driving in silence to his place.

You stopped in front of the gates of his apartment, but when he tried to leave, he found the door was locked.

"Hey, what are you-"

"Y'know, I've been thinking. How about we have a little after party? I have a bunch of snacks I've been trying to get rid of,"
You suggested, your finger hovering over the button to unlock the car doors.

He thought about your proposition for a moment. It was obvious you were just trying to cheer him up, either out of genuine friendship or out of pity.

Either way, it seemed pretty good to him.

He buckled back up, seeming to regain a bit of his happiness.

"That sounds good, I'd like that,"

You let out a sigh of relief, giving to it friend a hopeful smile before driving off to your place.

Hopefully you'd be able to cheer him up.


Damn even I'm starting to feel bad for him I'm writing him a bit too pathetically perhaps but that's alright

Next chapter he'll realize he has the hots for you so watch out for that

That Cute Teacher (Sugawara Koushi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now