The Stalker Revealed

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Days turned into weeks, and Emily's sense of unease only intensified. Everywhere she went, she felt the eyes of her unseen stalker watching her every move. She couldn't escape the feeling that she was being hunted, that danger lurked around every corner.

One night, as Emily lay in bed, unable to sleep, she heard it—a faint tapping on her window, like fingernails against glass. Her blood ran cold as she listened, paralyzed with fear. She knew she had to do something, but the thought of confronting her stalker filled her with dread.

Summoning all her courage, Emily reached for her phone once again, determined to capture any evidence of the person who had been tormenting her for weeks. With trembling hands, she hit record and approached the window, her heart pounding in her chest.

As she peered outside, Emily's worst fears were realized. Standing in the shadows, just beyond the reach of the streetlights, was the figure she had seen in the alley—a faceless silhouette watching her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

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