Prologue (Aka, first cutscene)

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One day Visitor was chilling in her room, watching whatever while eating cookies with her best friend, Vizzy. (Who will be taking the place of Gf in this story)

They were watching some stuff but then they heard the doorbell ring
(I'm skipping lol, cuz nobody caressssss)

Anyways, Visitor and Vizzy got the stupid package thing
And inside was the stupid cartridge that said MARIO with blood splatter stuff

Anyways, Visitor and Vizzy got the stupid package thingAnd inside was the stupid cartridge that said MARIO with blood splatter stuff

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Visitor was a big big big fan of Mario madness (but mostly UNBEATABLE, ofc), Vizzy was just a normal fan though. Visitor was pretty excited about this, but Vizzy was more nervous, cuz... y'know..? Anyways, Visitor just HAD to have a NES in her room cuz I said so, and put the cartridge in. So Visitor and Vizzy sat on the ground and Vizzy played, Visitor also told Vizzy to try and NOT. DIE. Although, the goofy ahh sounds that came from the game caused Visitor to die from laughter, which distracted Vizzy, causing her to die.

(I don't like to make characters talk with the "says name", so I'm gonna use "name:")

Vizzy: *visibly mad*

Visitor: Sorry about that Vizzy, i just... the sound effects- *Starts laughing again*

Vizzy: It's kinda stupid how you told me now to die, but then you made me die.

Visitor: Welp, I already know what's gonna happen next. So let's just stand right in front of the TV and wait. *stands right In front of the TV*

Vizzy: ...What's gonna happen next again..?

Visitor: ...are you stupid? Well first-

Suddenly but not really suddenly, a hand comes out of the TV and grabs her by the leg, causing her to fall over.


She disappears into the TV

Vizzy: VISITOR!?

The hand comes back and grabs Vizzy by the shirt collar, and she gets dragged in next
And yeah yeah yeah lmao

(I'm not ending the chapter here cuz this isn't long enough heehheheehheheheheh)

Visitor and Vizzy fall into the deep dark void or whatever it's called
The both of them land on the ground, but Visitor jumps up Instantly, extremely excited.

Visitor: VIZZY GET YOUR BUTT UP, THIS ISNT A DREAM, THIS IS HAPPENING!!! WERE GONNA GET KILLED BY MARIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts running around*

Vizzy: Ughh... wait, WHAT!? WERE GONNA GET WHAT BY WHO!?!!!!


Vizzy: ...W-WHAT????

Visitor: CMON LETS GO!!!!!

Visitor grabs Vizzy's arm and runs off to whatever direction

Vizzy: OW MY ARM-

Eventually, Visitor and Vizzy bump into stupid-stupid-stupid Mario, but she actually did it on purpose, cuz idk.

stupid-stupid-stupid Mario says his stupid thing and yeah yeah yeah

Horror Mario: Seems you don't recognize me, It's-a me... MA- Wait a second...

Horror Mario stares at Visitor and Vizzy completely confused, Visitor is jumping up and down, and Vizzy is confused as well. He pulls out a random clipboard and flips some pages.

Horror Mario: You're Boyfriend and Girlfriend... right..?

Visitor: NOPE!

Vizzy: *shakes head*

Horror Mario: ...Uh oh.

Visitor: OHHH!! I think I know what happened, you must've sent the doohickey to the wrong address!! And or course... it was OUR address! Anyways, is there a way outta here? Orrrr... or we staying here... cuz I wouldn't mind-

Vizzy: ...what????

Visitor: I didn't say that.

I didn't wanna give them arms lmao

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I didn't wanna give them arms lmao

Everyone was just confused lmao

Horror Mario: y'know what, just get outta my sight, the warp star is over there, the others will figure out what to do with you.

Visitor: oh sweet, thanks.

Visitor and Vizzy head off to wherever the warp star is idk

Vizzy: How did you... HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?!

Visitor: Do what?

Vizzy: Just like... how did you just... make him let us go???

Visitor: Im just that beautiful!

Vizzy: You're delusional...

And then Vizzy and Visitor went to the warp star and yeah yeah

The end

This is so cringey 😭😭😭😭
This is the second worst fanfiction I've made, number one is that bugbo x write- I mean reader.
I'm gonna kms 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

(760 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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Mario's Madness Vs Visitor (idk lmao)Where stories live. Discover now