the return of skibidi wetlands

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this is a uhh a story about damien beig a writer 𝓳𝓭𝓳𝓳

damien sat and twiddled his pen in his hand... "hmm🤔🤔" he thinks about what to write and then WRITES!!!!

his creation.. reads as follows

once upon a time, in lala land..

LA LA LA LA LA!! my name is kourtney! i have a friend of whom i am very close to!! so close to the point where my friend feels as if he could tell me anything! next im gonna fucking block him because im a bitch AHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!
... *thump*
*ba bump*



g-g-gee golly me!! ive got this one girl whom i just recently stopped being friends with! we've had a rocky ending, arguments and scandals.. I keep begging her to leave me alone but she just wont listen... *sigh* oh! what a great time to tweet about her AND have my girlfriend view her profile. this girl.. is obsessed with me! Agahdnkfj TEEHEE!! how funny.. i sure hope she wont be influenced by my actions for the rest of forever! i sure hope i dont linger in her mind! i sure hope she doesnt go out of her way in her daily life to impress and imaginary version of me! i sure hope her personality doesnt warp over time to replicate mine! boy oh boy! this poor girl.. she knows what its like to love, but was already mentally unstable before meeting me! im just some loser and ill never be able to understabd the damage i have caused her. i sure hope she doesnt start using substances to distract herself from the fact that my mere existence caused her current relationship to endz i didnt do anythign! i am innocent! its all her, shes such a narc tho.. she wont acceot this.. which might be why she keeps searching for ways to blame me! yes, blame me, you fool. i was a casual friend, nothing more. YOUR ATTRACTION TO ME CAUSED YOU TO FLIP OUT AND LOSE ALL CONTROL OVER YOUR RELATIONSHIP! its pathetic. pathetic girl. shes stuck in a TIME LOOP! she lives the same week over and over.. threat after threat of beig sent to the mental hospital... she wants nothig more than a break but she hasnt met her goals yet. she lives a life which could be defined as the constant clashing between her and her own mind. its miserable. i hope she EXPLODES! PATHETIC GIRL MAKES ME SO MAD!!!

oooouuooouuu yes! SING!!! SING!!!! oooouuu do dooo doo doooo dodo
me me me em!! YES DAMIEN!! they all say in unison

tiktok on the clock
*tik tok*

shhh read the time

its potato 0 clock!

yummy! AGGH!! BLEGH!!!
oh desr! my potato is from vermont and not ireland! DISGUSTING!!
who agrees?

yummy! AGGH!! BLEGH!!! oh desr! my potato is from vermont and not ireland! DISGUSTING!! who agrees?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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