part 10

386 22 4

An pov

Yn went to the base with her car.

Timeskip at base

All guards bow at 90° when they saw yn

All guards - greetings our queen
Yn just went into the meeting room where all were present

Yn enter the room causing her team members present there bow

All members - greetings queen(cold)
Yn - hmm(cold)

Yn then went to her sit and sit on it
With her p.a standing beside her

Yn- here the files (throw the files on the table) why do we need this btw(cold)

Won- queen he was a drug addict person and was not paying our money since last year(cold)

Yn-ok so when are they both coming?(cold)

Dark devil- queen they will came as soon as their mission is done(cold)

Yn-ok and dark soul have u transferred all the money from him (cold)

Soul- yes black daisy (cold)

Yn-moon do I  have any meeting this week?(cold)

Bloody moon- queen you don't have any meeting this week (cold)

Yn-good (cold)

Someone knocked the door

???-queen may I come in (cold)
Yn-yes (cold) did you bring the information keir(cold)

Keir- here queen  (Give a file to yn ) I'll take my leave (cold)

All members - what are the files about daisy

Yn- jae turn on soundproof mode(cold)

Jae- as you say queen (cold) done.

Minnie - what are the files about sugar?

Yn-unnie these are information of my step siblings

Niki- why do you find them suspicious

Yn-yes oppa I saw them having guns in schools

Sunoo- it's normal their father is a successful businessman

Yn- I also thought the same oppa but their guns have the logo that I have seen in a mafia gang but can't remember so I doubt they are mafias (Little pout)

Jay- ok then read the file

Black devils

They are at 2nd rank in underworld

- doctor, snipper and right hand of rm
Mafia name- RJ

- leader and planner of the group
Mafia name-Rm

- hacker of the group
Mafia name- MYG

- dealer and spy of the group
Mafia name- jhk

- seducer,torturer of the group
Mafia name- PJM

- manipulater and manages the money department
Mafia name- KTH

- main fighter and all rounder except medical
Mafia name- JJK

- 2nd doctor and left hand of rm
Mafia name- Js

- 2nd hacker and fighter of the group
Mafia name- jen

- seducer, torturer and fighter of the group
Mafia name- cy

- main fighter and all rounder except hacking
Mafia name- lili

- fighter, torturer and 2nd planner of the group
Mafia name- eun

Yn gasped a Little but then smirk

Yn-so I was right they are black devils

Heesung- ok and everyone let's go home it's almost 3 am .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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