Fire and Essence

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It has been a difficult day in Hell, just like many other. Blitzo the oldest member of Buckzo family, besides his mother. Ever since his father(bastard) passed away, he took the responsibility of being the Head of the Family. He had done better job than his dad ever did, even on his Worst day. Today he had hurt himself as he sprayed his knee. He wanted to stay, but his mother Tiliatha just couldn't allow him to do that. 

He has a very terrible feeling, like something very bad will happen today. He is not sure what or maybe it's just a feeling, but he is kin to trust his gut instinct. His mind and heart were alligned afterall. He took care of his family the best he could. He out of boredom and when he finally switched to news. His heart immeadiately dropped at sight of circus being set on fire. He knew then and there, he is needed. He didn't care for his injury. He is an imp. Unlike regular imp, he is not just taller, but stronger and heals much faster than any other imp. To be fair he was probably the most powerful imp ever seen in Hell. 

He ran as fast as he could. He arrived relatively quickly. He saw the rage of fire as he was afraid, but not for himself, but for other's

"Someone help!" It was his mother's scream for help. His instincts flared as his body sprinted at speeds impressive even for him, perhaps adrelalin also boosted him. He come fast as he noticed his mother being under a lot of rubble, that seemed almost impossible to get out of or be lifted off. But that didn't concern Blitzo. He ran to his mother as her body is consumed by flames.

"Mom don't move. I will try lifting this rubble off you. Concerve your strength, please" Blitzo shoated frantically. His mother looked at him with love and care, which made Blitzo's resolve only stronger. He moved under her trying to lift the rubble, it proved insanely difficult, but he is not one who gives up easily. 

"Blitzo my son, you need to go. I am beyond saving, you can't save me. You need to go as if you do not, I am afraid flames will consume us both" She stated crying, but being determined to make her son chouse himself rather than her, but that did nothing to deter Blitzo from his mission as his will shined even brighter than flames. A explosion set off close to Bltizo as half of his body is hurt and horrible burns set of his face, but his strength and will keep increasing as he struggles more. Finally he manages to lift rubble and set it aside from his mother's body as it is still on fire. He quickly puts it off. Fire on hix failed as well. He sees his mother body as most of her body is now covered in horrible burns, much worse than his own. He is not sure, if she is going to make it, but he still runs to the hospital. 

He arrives in it rather quickly as he escorts his mother to the doctors as they are horrified by her state. They immeadiately call for help as they secure her health. It makes Blitzo anxious he blames himself, but knows that he can't really do much right now. So he waits for several days, when he is suddenly approached by the doctor again. He perks up wondering, if he will hear good or bad news. 

"Mr. Blitzo is it?" He asked

"Yes what is it? Is everything alright with mom?" Blitzo couldn't help, but ask. Doctor signed this puts Blitzo at unease. 

"You see Mr.Blitzo, while your mother injures is being healed her health and condition seems to be dropping. I think she used too much of her essence and since it is so important, now she can't possibly regain it now. Even if he somehow heal her, he still won't be able to restore her essence as it becomes weaker with each passing second. I am sorry, but she will not be able to make it" Doctor said solemly. Blitzo started crying then asked

"Explain this essence stuff to me" He requested as he remembered his friends Stolas. Note: Yes in this au he is still friends with Stolas and even with Stella(yea shocking). 

"You see every demon, no matter the rank has their essence. Essence is basically the life source of demon and their power, if one spends too much of it, they die. Your mother essence had been used to keep her alive with such injures, but her body can't generate it as it is so weak. She becomes weaker still because of it. So she will die. Unless somehow we can restore her essence, but that only if sharing one's essence was possible" Doctor said. Blitzo remembered about the fact that Stolas grimoare actually held knowledge on how to do such a feat. So he left to call for Stolas for assistance. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02 ⏰

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