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Sira : Yaar , tell me clearly if you guys coming or not.

She's walking at the pedestrian area. While talking on the call with her girls telling them where to come as both don't know about the Cafe Sira was talking about

Aina : it's your fault stupid

Elma : yahhh Don't talk to her like that Aina

Sira : it's ok Elma listen now tell me Do you see very big building?

Aina : I'm telling you Elma this girl lost her mind. Doesn't she know that this area is full of huge buildings?

Elma pat her back and clam down her than she take phone from her hand amd said

Elma : Look Sira, tell me the name of that building .

Sira : yahhhh I was telling it to Aina but she was not able to understand, instead she started judging the name of the building.

Elma : yeah I know I know can you both stop from fighting please!

Aina rolled her eyes backwards and turn to other

Sira : okay okay listen now ,This building is the biggest and most famous building in this area. You can ask anyone about this building.

Elma : oh okay , Name ???

Sira : So the building name is Hybe Style

Elma : Hybe Style????

Sira : yes yes

Elma : okay than we will be there in 5 mins Allah Hafiz

Sira : Allah Hafiz

She cut the call and turn back but she bumped into a man . Her head hit on that person chest . When she take a breath the only thing she inhale was the beautiful fragrance of his

Man : I'm sorry

Sira : its--

She was about say something while moving back but .Her hijab got stuck in the button of that man's shirt . she was unable to looked up at his face .

He was having his bodyguards behind him . One of his bodyguard come towards him to help but the man Signal him to stay back

He was standing straight there letting her to do whatever she was doing than he said..

Man : move your hands lemme do it

She down her hands and then he starting pulling back her hijab and open his shirt. And then when some time passed, Sira asked

Sira : is it done ?

Man : huh ?? Oh wait.

Then when it started getting too late and people started looking at both of them, she starting panick

Sira : ya Allah please help me....

She whispered to herself but she was loud enough to heard by the man

Sira : ya Allah..... Ya Allah everyone is watching us I'm feeling so embarassed

Man : excuse me Mis clam down I'm doing it just clam down

Sira wipe her sweat from her forehead

Sira : please do fast

he sighed and broke the button of his shirt to because she was getting panick then he said

Man : I'm really sorry girl Are you okay???

He was fixing his Coat while looking down when he ask her and she was fixing her Hijab

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