Plot holes

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Now, I'll put all the plot holes that we can find in the game and the game/the history didn't answer. So, get ready! Because are a lot of them.

1⁘ How the Tribe of Darkness knowed that the marriage out of the magic group will diluted their powers?

Well, this is the one that has the most possibilities of get solved, because, in the game we notice that this tribe didn't mix with other people a cause of pride. And also they had xenophobia, an encyclopedy give the answer: Xenophobia is a term that refers to the phobia, aversion or fear towards foreign people or people from different cultures. Yehah. We alreay know why they din't mix with other people, but,Why they've do that? Because of fear of what happened in the Pixl War, that's why they seppareted from the the tribe of ancients. But, ¿How the Tribe of Darkness knowed that the marriage out of the magic group will diluted their powers? My theory seen in Dimentio's part explains this. 

But, besides that, we still have no anwer a this question, make it a plot hole.

2⁘ The humans in Spm.

I already explain this in my last part, in my theory about this issue. But, What we know about these people in the game? The only human 100% confirmed is Tmpani. She's a member of a tribe near at Blumiere's tribe, and that's all the data we know.

How they know about the ancients' and tribe of darkness' problems? What plane of existence are they on? Or, It's a different dimension? Well, probably we'll never know..

3⁘ What happened to the members of the tribe of ancients and the members of the tribe of darkness between the moment they separated and the begginig in the events of the game?

The lapse is 1,500 years, and we know nothing. It looks like during that time, anyone did nothing. Just we know is that, in the same time they've founded Flipside, the tribe of drakness for a strange reason help them to build Flopside, and that's it.  

4⁘ What happened to Blumiere and Timapni after the events of spm?

They died? Were to overthere? Did they returned to their places of origin? ? We'll meet them again? Who knows?

5⁘ What happened to the members of the tribe of darkness?

According to the official guide, Blumiere when he becomes Count Bleck, killed, assesinated all the members of his tribe, no one survived, and took the castle where he used to live and transformed in Castle Bleck. But, this are only a assumption. Well, maybe not. Because Timpani felt the exactly moment when it happened, and that brings me to my next point:

6⁘ Why Timpani felt what happened in the memories 6 and 7?

The memories are... memories that throughout history is shown to observe the background of these two emblematic characters, from Timpani point of view. But, How did she felt the the fall of his beloved when he become Count Bleck? Because she was not present. Mysterious mysteries.

Although someone shared me that they thought the memories was told from the point of view of Blumiere. Good point!

7⁘ Blumiere's family

In the hole history, we only know two members of the tribe of darkness: Blumiere and Blumiere's father. We also tought that the reason why his father was very strict with him, it is because he had a high rank within the tribe, or that he was even the chief. But, Mom? Siblings? Family? We don't know. Or perhaps, he is it just like 90% of the protagonists, without a real family or relationships with anyone.

8⁘ Why are different kind of people on Flipside/Flopside?

You'll see, in Flopside are many different kinds of people, descendants of the tribe of anciens/tribe of darkness, what manner of creatures they are is never made explicit, although as they are descendants of the Ancients who are confirmed to have been human, it seems likely they can be considered human as well. Almost every Flipside inhabitant has a counterpart in Flopside, with the counterpart having a vaguely opposite personality or interest. Their bodies come in yellow, purple, and blue colors, are geometric in shape, and some seem to lack visible arms. While the Flipside residents have square noses, the Flopside residents have pointed noses, and the residents of Yold Town and Gloam Valley do not have noses at all. Why? IDK. But i tried to give an explination seems in the first theory I made.

9⁘ Shadoo and Dimentio's background.

I think we all have the idea that somehow these two individuals are connected. Everyone has made out-of-this-world theories to explain this headcanon. I made myself a theory in the part of the Pixl Queen. But, today is a completely mystery.

I've noticed that I have many theories and parts... 

10⁘ Dark Prognosticus' creator.

Even in the game, we are explicitly shown that no one knows who was the creator of this mystical book. It was an ancient? It was a member with dark magic? It was a human? Nobody knows...

10⁘ What happened more than 3,000 years ago?

The timeline of the game begin 3,000 years ago, when the ancients created the pixls, but, Who were the tribe of ancients? What dimension did they from to? How did they discover magic? Where did they get the DP? 

And the most interesting thing about this is that, within the fandom, few ask this question. Interesting....

11⁘ The villains' background

Our entire source of information is Carson and his stories, and most of them are incomplete and do not tell details. And I think that, so far, the villain we know most of her story is Natasia, since it is emphasized throughout the entire game.

For others, their backstory is not extremely necessary to the story.

12⁘ What dimensions are Flipside and Flopside between?

Another intersting question, because, Merlon say us in the start of the game that Flipside is not a dimension because are BETWEEN dimension. But what dimensions are Flipside and Flopside between? Are they in two differents dimensions? One of these dimensions are the real world? Or, are they between ALL dimentions? We'd better know.

13⁘ There's more pixls? Why the original pixls doesn't talk anymore?

For the first question, maybe a few pixls managed to escape the conflicts and live scattered in other dimensions. Because, Heronicus, the person who behind Saffron's house say us, at the end of the game that he tried to find a legendary pixl, something that reinforces our theory.

And the second, The animators didn't want to work or give more prominence to Mario's partners to focus on the incredible story? Improbably. There is probably another more elaborate explanation.

14⁘ When the ancients mix with humans?

Let's remember that some humans are descendants of those and viceversa.

(Merely filler point)

15⁘ Mimi's a robot?

And finally, the last point (I wish it were so), Mimi's a Robot? Terminator 3000? The only thing Carson explains to us are MORE theories that it could be Mimi. A witch's mistake? A failed pixl? And to top it all off, he also tells us that Mimi doesn't remember much. Dang it!

The only clue we have is that, in the sprits in the game, and when we flip to 3D and fight her ORIGINAL creepy spider form, there are traces of gears like those of a machine. If you want to theorize, go ahead.

And that's all the plot holes I've found. Surely (and sadly) there are more, so I invite you to include all the ones you remember, I'm out.

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