Chapter 3 - Buckbeak

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Scene 1 

Hospital Wing 

Estella slowly blinked her eyes open, her vision blurry at first before gradually coming into focus. She found herself lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by familiar faces with varying degrees of concern etched on their features.

"Estella, dear, are you alright?" Madam Pomfrey's voice sounded soft and reassuring as she hovered nearby, checking Estella's vital signs with practiced efficiency.

Looking around, Estella saw her grandfather, Professor Dumbledore, standing by her bedside, his expression a mix of relief and worry. Professor McGonagall, or Minnie as Estella affectionately called her, stood nearby, her stern features softened with concern. Hagrid loomed in the background, his large frame towering over the others, his expression one of deep worry.

But it was Snape who stood out, his dark eyes narrowed with disapproval but worry was hidden behind them. Estella couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort under his gaze, knowing all too well his disdain for her despite being in Slytherin house.

As Estella tried to sit up, she winced slightly, feeling a dull ache in her body. Madam Pomfrey immediately stepped forward, offering her a calming potion to ease the discomfort.

Once the initial concern for her well-being had subsided, the questions began. Dumbledore's gentle voice carried a note of sternness as he asked, "Estella, what were you doing flying your broom so late in the dark? Do you realize the danger you put yourself in?"

McGonagall's tone was similarly stern as she added, "This is against school rules, Estella. Flying at night is strictly forbidden, especially with dementors lurking about."

Hagrid's voice was filled with worry as he chimed in, "Yer gave us all a right scare, Estella. What were ye thinkin', flyin' out there all alone?"

Even Snape couldn't resist adding his disapproving tone to the mix. "Another display of reckless behavior, I see. Typical of your house, Miss Black."

Feeling a sense of guilt wash over her, Estella lowered her gaze, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just... I wanted to see what was happening in the sky."

Dumbledore sighed, his expression softening slightly. "Estella, while your curiosity is commendable, it must be tempered with caution. Flying at night, especially with the presence of dementors, is incredibly dangerous. You could have been seriously hurt."

Estella nodded, her gaze flickering between the concerned faces of those gathered around her. "I had no clue that there were dementors grandpa however I know I broke the rules, Grandpa," she said softly. "I promise it won't happen again."

Only he knows how he felt when he received Hagrid's urgent message about Estella falling off her broom into the black lake, a surge of worry gripped his heart. His granddaughter's safety was paramount to him, and the thought of her engaging in such reckless behavior filled him with concern.

Rushing to the scene along with Professor McGonagall and Snape, Dumbledore's mind raced with apprehension. The news from Hagrid had filled him with dread, the thought of Estella in danger igniting a fierce protective instinct within him.

As he apparated near the lake alongside Snape and McGonagall, Dumbledore's mind raced with worry. Thoughts of Estella's safety consumed him, each step towards her feeling like an eternity. The sight of her lying unconscious near the edge of the lake sent a pang of fear through him, his heart clenching at the sight of her still form.

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