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" One club sandwich and a diet coke please." A deep elusive voice echoed  through the atmosphere hooking on to the waitress's  notepad immediately.
The other dark headed male scanned the menu, his glistening eyes imprinting an indecisive thought.        " You know what I'll have the same please." Once again the pen ran over the lines of the note pad followed by an ecstatic smile from the waitress. " Oh yes and 2 pieces of the millionaire shortbread too please." Both men exchanged a knowing look; folding the menus efficiently.

" 2 diet cokes,2 club sandwiches and 2 pieces of The millionaire shortbread,got it!" The astounded waitress stood,frozen in what looked like a star struck position which she couldn't shift out of . The tension in her cheeks made it look like she was about to blow into flames; after seconds of silence some confidence finally bubbled up in her throat escaping in some form of a squeal." Sorry i know we are not supposed to do this but i can't help it,Please may i get a photo with you both I'm a huge fan,IM LITERALLY DYING RIGHT NOW." She stopped to catch her breath. " IMAGINE LITTLE OLD ME MEETING THE THEO JAMES AND THE MILES TELLER AT WORK, who would have thought!"

I share a grateful smile with Miles which was disrupted by a joyful tone of mumbles. " I made my mum buy me a divergent poster,mug,Pj's ..." I chuckle " Yes of-course we don't mind,we will take some before we leave." Miles agreed before chipping in once more " But please may we have our sandwiches first i could eat my own arm right now." His brows furrowed . "OH yes of course,oh shit,Umm I'll get them here as quick as possible,sorry, omg,for gods sake lilly." The waitress ushered away slapping her forehead clearly annoyed with herself.

I enjoy meeting fans, i never get annoyed when they ask for photos as it reminds me of my younger self who would dream about having a main role in a major Hollywood movie. I'm proud that my character can make such a difference in someone's life. My pupils wonder outside of the cafe's bay window.The busy concentrated Chicago streets, filled with individuals with their own challenges. The yellow taxis ferrying people back and forth, colliding with the cars at war with the road. The small park that housed nature's finest, the bench that housed two familiar eyes.

A familiar face, a familiar anxious feeling creeped up my spine.It was her. Again.My stalker.

When Divergent first came out,she was there at the preview lurking in the background infatuated with
myself and the cast.I noticed her immediately,as when i ran the red carpet by myself she managed to gouge herself to the front of the barrier;Grasping on to it with her life.It was like she was in a trance,eyes fixated on me, absorbing every move I made,every breath i took. The day after the preview she again appeared outside of my hotel asking for photo; like everyone else there i took a photo with her and I even signed the poster she brought. But as i got in the car to get whisked away.She stood at the window,staring straight into my soul.

For two months she would be concealed in the shadows, preying on me, i could feel her presence, it was getting out of control. She turned up at press events with the same poster forcing her way to the front of my attention. Loitering at restaurants where i had reservations, sitting a few meters away obsessing over my every move.Sending gifts to hotel rooms which she knew had my name imprinted on the key card. She even followed me back home to London,sat a few booths away from me in the London Underground.She seemed to be everywhere. Then she disappeared.

6 months it had been since i last felt like i was being watched. And now that feeling is back. " 2 club sandwiches,2 diet cokes and 2 pieces of the millionaire shortbread!" The chirpy waitress had interrupted my worry. " Thank you i am absolutely ravenous." Miles immediately started to man handle the sandwich,stuffing it into his mouth as soon as the waitress left.Miles doesn't know anything about the stalker, i wouldn't want him to worry, well actually I haven't told anyone. It's my secret, that i am going to take care of myself.

I too then attacked the sandwich showing no mercy and eventually I moved on the shortbread.I took a slight glance outside, directly at the bench where she was sat. Absence. She left. I silent sigh of relief erupted in my belly. And a smile once again escaped my mouth.

Shortly after, the waitress returned with the bill and placed it lightly at the table. " Do you want to take it over there it's better lighting." I offer reassurance to her while Miles and I got into our usual pose. I cross my arms across my chest and the snap was taken. I could tell she was overjoyed and this made me forget the absurd feeling i felt earlier. I took out a pen and signed her phone case that she presented to me. " It was lovely to meet you I'm glad you enjoyed  divergent don't forget Insurgent comes out March 20th." I smile getting out of my seat. " OMG THANK YOU I THINK IM GOING TO FAINT." Miles chuckled as she ran off. " I'll be back in a minute mate just going to the loo."


After doing my business,I walk towards Miles who had a silhouette sat across from him. The same silhouette, that i knew so well. It was her. Sat with my best friend, closer to me than ever before. I watch her body language increase in tension but before she could turn her head to face me I charge for the Cashier.Just escaping her gaze.

I frantically try to get my thoughts together,patting down my pants desperately trying to find my wallet. I locate my scape goat. I just need to get out of here and quick.

" Just the bill for table 12please." I tap my card on the machine awaiting the beep ; I turn my head out of stress just to find a beautiful  brunette siping on what looked like a matcha on a bar stool next to me.

An epiphany consumed my head, and without hesitation i thank the cashier and walk over to her, immediately grabbing her hand to turn her to face me. I met 2 blue eyes that i actually wanted to get lost in.

A/N - I haven't wrote in a while so apologies for any mistakes. Hope you enjoy,second part soon. If you haven't already take a look at the cast. Much love 🩷

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