Chapter 2

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We went to a diner

So why are you so hard to find?

I was drinking some orange juice

I'm impossible to find

Why is that?

You could say it started out as an exercise and became an addiction

Are you on the run?

Our bus is leaving, you better hurry, counselor

How do you know James barr?

Why are you representing him?

I'm a lawyer

So is a public defender, with just as much chance of clearing barr

I'm not trying to clear him, I'm just trying to keep him off death row

Then our food came

By proving he's insane?

Well, that's one option

And sticking it to your father because

No, not my father

The office of the district attorney

Because the office of district attorney

Never bought you a pony

DA Rodin's never lost a capital case, you know why?

Impeccable tailoring

I took a bit of my food

He never picks a fight he can't win

Worked for the red Baron

Every suspect in town is given a choice

Then I ate some eggs

Confess or face death

Against a DA who never loses

My firm has reason to believe more than one innocent man's gone down without a fight

Oh, I get it

You're an idealist

No, I'm a pacifist

It's a noble crusade

But this is not the fight, trust me, James barr's guilty

You haven't even seen the evidence

Is this a privileged conversation?

Of course, it's a client conference

Nothing you say here can be repeated

Then he wiped someone off my lip

There are four types of people who join the military

For some, it's a family trade, others are patriots, eager to serve, next, you have those who just need a job

Then there's the kind who wants a legal means of killing other people

James barr was one of those

He made sniper

Then he told her about James barr

Then we were in line for the bus

I held his hand

The bus is here I said

Then dad took my hand again

We showed our passes

Then I sat next to him

I leaned my head on dad's shoulder and fell asleep

Jack pov

Jasmine was asleep

I smiled and kissed her head

She does have her mother's face

Then I stopped and I picked up Jasmine and left the bus

Then I was by Helen's car

You understand you're not just asking me to look at the evidence

You're asking me to look at a cold blooded killer

A man I know to be guilty

A man you wanna keep off death row

And you're asking me to look at him objectively

Yes, that is what I'm asking

I'll do it, on one condition

Name it

You have to look at the victims objectively

How do you suggest I do that?

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