Part 4

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Tae panicked seeing Koo's condition like that he was thinking what to do, cause as he knows the school medical staff has already gone and hospital is far from school....walking back and forth in the room while scratching his temple suddenly he fished out his phone and dialed a number

Tae: Jimini send your husband to the location I'm sending quick it's emergency

Without listening from other side he cut the call and text Jimin the location then he hurriedly lift Koo up in his arms got out of office room locking it afterwards with Koo in his arms he quickly rushed out to parking lot and made Koo lay down on the back seat of his car and he himself settled on the driving seat and he drove off to the school premises expeditiously

After reaching Jeon's mansion parking lot he quickly rang the door bell and lift Koo up in his arms....Lina opened the door and she looked at them anxiously

Lina: Koo....what happened to Koo Mr Kim

Tae: He fell unconscious (He said while walking inside and reached to living room)

Lina: Omg my baby....I told him to eat breakfast but he didn't

Tae: What ? He was empty stomach? (while putting Koo down on the couch of living room)

Lina: Yes Mr Kim...Koo seemed tensed up yesterday I asked but he didn't say anything even I felt like he cried and he didn't eat his dinner proprerly nor drank the milk I have placed last night and so as breakfast

Tae: Oh God (Tae placed his hand on Koo's forhead checking Koo's temperature)

Tae: Lina please bring blanket here his body is cold

Lina: Yes Mr Kim but we should take Koo to the hospital

Tae: Don't worry I have called doctor here he must be here anytime

Lina nodded then went back to bring a blanket after a minute or two she brought a fluffy blanket hastily and she put it on Koo but Mr Kim himself covered Koo's body with the blanket while sitting on the floor near the couch then the door bell rings

Lina hurriedly opened the door and saw a pale white skin cat face human who has no expression on his face standing Infront of the door she was about to ask him but tae came from behind

Tae: Come hyungie come inside please

He came inside

Tae: Yoongie hyungie see Koo is here he fell unconscious after school and Lina told me that he was empty stomach

Yoongi: How could you let this baby go to school empty stomach?

Lina: Sir I..I...insisted him but he said he wasn't hungry

Tae: Leave it hyungie and check Koo please

Yoongi nodded he started examining Koo he checked Koo's eyes then he took out the thermometer and checked Koo's temperature

Yoongi: He has fever and his body is too weak please make him eat healthy food when he wakes up

Lina and Tae nodded

Tae: But hyungie why he is not waking up

Yoongi: Cause of weakness but don't worry I will give him an injection which will help him boost up his energy

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