Chapter 1: Charlie's son

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"Whoa~ Mommy you're like a legend written in stone." Said a soft and cute voice of a small child, with black hair and blue eyes.

The one holding the child giggles, her long blonde hair over her shoulder, with pale white skin, red cheeks, yellow and red eyes, smiled warmly as she stood

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The one holding the child giggles, her long blonde hair over her shoulder, with pale white skin, red cheeks, yellow and red eyes, smiled warmly as she stood.
"Then that makes you my little legacy, doesn't it honey?" The woman asked, as she spun around holding the boy tightly, causing giggles to escape from the three year old.
"Don't worry momma, we'll make grandma and grandpa happy." The boy said as he looked up at his mother with a large smile, as the mother chuckled and kissed her son's forehead.
"Get some sleep my prince, we have a big day of studies tomorrow." She said, as the boy giggled.
"I love you mommy." The boy said before yawning, as the woman rubs her nose against his own.
"And I love you baby boy." She whispered, as she began to sing softly to the child, running her hand through his black locks, as the boy's eyes became heavy and fell asleep.
Exiting the room quietly, she spotted a tall blonde woman with a pale complexion.
"Is my grandson asleep dear?" The taller woman asked.
"Yeah mom, he's pretty tired after I read him a story." The first woman said.
"Charlie, I know that we may not have approved of your pregnancy at first, after all you were... Raped by that bastard... We are however very happy that you still love the boy, and we are happy to call him our grandson." The mother of the now named Charlie said, causing Charlie to sigh and nod as she scratches her head.
"Thank you mom, I refuse to put the sins of my baby's bastard father onto him, it would just be wrong, however I think we should keep him away from the public eye for now." Charlie said, getting a nod in agreement from her mother.
"Yes I agree, if word got out about you having a son, then the rest will follow, all of Hell would be patronizing the boy, and call the Mange family weak, but more importantly you and Jacob would be in danger." The woman said, as Charlie nodded in agreement, she knew her mother and father never found the bastard who raped her, but if word got out, all of Hell would look down on the royal family.
"Well for now, we should let the servants and maids know of the plan, and see where to go from there." Charlie said as she rubbed a hand down her face, the bags in her eyes were more visible now, causing the older Mange to frown in worry.
"Why don't you get some sleep Charlie, your father and I will look after our grandson for the night." The woman said, as a sigh of relief escaped Charlie as she passed over the baby monitor.
"Thank you." Charlie said, kissing her mother's cheek and began to walk to her room.
"Goodnight Charlie."
"Goodnight mom, tell dad I said good night and love him." Charlie said, getting a nod and smile in return before she closed the door to her room.

12 Years Later

"-And all this with the backing of my son, I believe anything is possible." Charlie finished as she huffed to catch her breath, before her eyes widened as her girlfriend Vaggie stared in shock and horror.
"O-oh fuck." Vaggie said, as the crew of the news room stared in shock at the news, as Charlie was scooped up by a running Vaggie and bolted out of the news room. All of hell stared at their TVs in shock, all were wondering who was the Princess's son.
Making it to the limo, Charlie was beginning to panic, as Vaggie was trying to calm her down.
"Oh no, I just- I was just so happy and excited- mother and father were watching, oh damn it!" Charlie said to herself.
"Hey calm down chica, everything will be okay we just have to- of shit your mother is calling." Vaggie said as she looked down at Charlie's phone, before it was snatched and answered.
"Hehe, hey mom." Charlie said, her voice was sheepish and stressed, something that Lilith caught on.
"Well it seems you already understand the situation you just put onto yourself and your son, you do know that there will now have to be a conference with the media explaining all of this, correct?" Lilith asked, getting a sigh from an emotionally drained Charlie.
"Yeah I know, how did Dad take it?" Charlie asked, before the phone was heard being passed.
"Charlie, babygirl, princess, you done goofed." Lucifer said with a grin from the other side of the phone.
"Yeah I know, I know, ugh, I was just, happy yah know? And talking about my baby comes out when I'm happy." Charlie said, getting a chuckle from the other side of the call, as Vaggie passed her a glass of wine from the limo's liquor cabinet.
"Well dear you should probably get here soon, we have yet to awake the dark prince, and I for one don't want to be the one to ruin my grandson's sleep." Lucifer said, getting Charlie to smile softly to herself.
"Don't worry about it dad, I'll wake up my boy when I get there, uhm can you have the maids dry clean one of his suits? I want him to look good for the conference." Charlie said as she took a sip of her wine.
"Of course dear, here's your mother, I'll go let the maids know now." Lucifer said, before Lilith's voice came over the line.
"We'll see you shortly my dear, we love you."
"I love you too mom, bye." Charlie said before hanging up the phone and sighing, cupping her face with her hands.
"Ugh, what did I do?" Charlie asked herself, as Vaggie sat next to her, and pulled her into her arms.
"Don't worry mommas, we'll take care of it as it comes, let's not rush anything and take it one day at a time." Vaggie said softly, as she ran her hands through her girlfriend's hair.
"It's gonna be a long day." Charlie huffed out.

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