Chapter 3: The Hotel

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Climbing into the limo, Jake sat in his seat with huff as Charlie and Vaggie entered the vehicle after him, before the car began to drive away from the club.
"So about at the house-" Vaggie was interrupted by Jake, who sighed.
"Look, I'd rather just forget about it, okay?" Jake asked, getting Vaggie to smile and scoot next to him, pulling him into a tight hug.
"I really am sorry mijo, I'll make sure that doesn't happen again." Vaggie said, pulling him closer to her, as Jake sighed and hugged back.
"It's okay momma, let's just try to have a good rest of the day." Jake said, getting the woman to nod, as Charlie watched on with a smile filled with pride.
"Do I really have to go too the hotel?" Jake asked, getting Charlie huff and roll her eyes.
"Of course, as my son you should see what your mommy does so you can take over after a few thousand years." Charlie said, getting Jake to sigh but nod.
"Alright mom, only if it'll make you happy." The teen said, as the woman nodded.
"Of course baby boy, momma will be very happy." Charlie said, sitting on the other side of her son, and hugging her son amd just holding him.
"Are you ever gonna stop calling me that?" Jake asked.
"Nope." Charlie said, popping the 'P' as she spoke, getting a sigh from the teen as he is sandwiched by his mothers, as Charlie ran her fingers through his hair.
"Mooommm, you're gonna make me fall asleep." Jake groaned, as he yawned loudly while the two women chuckled at their son's antics.
"Hmm, then I better stop huh?" Charlie asked, getting Jake to nod sleepily as he leaned against his mother and fell asleep.
"When are we gonna tell him?" Vaggie asked, getting Charlie to face her so fast her neck cracked loudly.
"Never." Charlie said, getting Vaggie's eyes to widen.
"Charlie, we have to tell him, he has the power to destroy heaven, he's the fucking Antichrist." Vaggie whispered, as Charlie narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend.
"My son already thinks of himself as a monster, the last thing he needs is to be told his fears are true." Charlie said, her voice stern as she tightened her grip on her son.
"I understand that, but Charlie he has to learn how to use his powers." Vaggie said, as Charlie stared at her for a moment.
"I'll think about it." Charlie said with a sigh, getting the other woman to nod.
"That's all I ask." Vaggie said with a smile, as she relaxed in her seat pulling out her phone, as Charlie did the same while continuing to run her fingers through her son's hair.
After arriving at the hotel, Jake groggily exited the limo and stretched his body, and popped his back loudly, before approaching the hotel behind his mothers. Upon entering the hotel, there were two demons arguing in the main lobby, one was a short cat like demon, and the other was a tall, female spider demon, only for the two to stop amd turn towards the front door spotting the three.
"Husk, Angel, what's going on?" Charlie asked hesitantly, before the spider demon stepped forward with a smirk on her face.
"Oh don't worry princess, he got a little upset because I was teasing him, now who's the hunk behind you?" Angel asked, with a teasing smile as she approached, only for Vaggie to point her spear at the spider demon.
"He's Charlie's son, now back the fuck up ." Vaggie growled, getting the spider demon to sweat a bit.
"O-oh, well hello there handsome, I'm Angel Dust." Angel said, as Jake gave a piece sign.
"Yo, I'm Jake." Jake said nonchalantly, before another presence was felt causing Jake to tense, something that everyone saw.
"Honey? What's wrong?" Charlie asked worriedly, as she place a hand on her son's left shoulder.
"Th-this presence, it's almost as strong as grandfather's." Jake said, as footsteps were heard down the hall on the right, before Jake's eyes widened.
"Alastor the radio demon?" Jake asked in shock, getting Charlie to smile a bit and nod.
"Yes that's Alastor, how do you know that though honey?" Charlie asked, before Jake shrugged.
"I've read every book and file that was in the manor mother, and I do mean every file and book... Well except one that grandma wouldn't let me read." Jake said with a frown at the end.
"Charlie dear girl, you've brought your darling boy it seems." Alastor said as he approached, as he stuck out his hand towards the teen for a handshake.
"Mr.Alastor sir, it's an honor to meet the radio demon himself." Jake said with a big smile as he shook the demon's hand, getting a wide smile in return.
"The honor is all mine dear boy, all mine indeed. Your mother speaks a lot about you, and I must say for a demon born of royalty you look human." Alastor said, getting Jake to smile softly.
"Yes, I honestly think I get my skin tone and humanoid looks from grandma Lilith." Jake said as he put a hand under his chin as he thinks, getting the radio demon to smirk.
"So Charlie, just stopping in?" Husk asked, getting a nod in return.
"Yeah, gotta do some paper work and show my baby around his future inheritance." Charlie said with a large excited smile, getting Jake to smile warmly at his mother and nod.
"I see, well it was great to meet you dear boy." Alastor said, gaining Jake's attention.
"Oh yes sir, it was such an honor to meet you, really." Jake said with a big happy grin on his face, a grin that Alastor copied and nodded before saying goodbye to Charlie and Vaggie before leaving.
"He's so cool." Jake said in awe, as he looked at the front door, before Vaggie pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. As the adults talked, Jake pulled out the two slips of paper and put the numbers in his phone before texting them both the same message.
"Hey it's Jake." The text said, before he began to scroll through Sinstagram, as he sat on the couch next to Vaggie who smiled at him warmly.
"Hey handsome 😜." A text from Verosika said, getting Jake to grin as he texted back.
"I'm never gonna get used to being called that." Jake responded back.
"Well you better cutie, because I'm gonna be calling you all kinds of names." Verosika replied quickly, getting Jake to shake his head.
"Ouuu, who's that handsome?" Asked Angel, as she put an arm around Jake's shoulder and looked at his phone.
"Verosika Mayday." Jake said with a big fox like grin, getting Angel to wiggle her eyebrows.
"Ohhhh, someone has a crush~." Angel said, getting Jake to blush in embarrassment, getting Angel to laugh loudly.
"Oh this is rich, Vaggie, I didn't realize your son was such a ladies man." Angel said, getting Vaggie to look up from her phone with a raised brow.
"What are you talking about?" Vaggie asked.
"It's nothing momma." Jake said, with a nervous smile.
"Oh I wouldn't say nothing, it seems Jakie here has a crush on Verosika Mayday." Angel said, getting Vaggie's eyebrows to twitch, as Jake blushed brightly in embarrassment.
"Angel, knock it off." Jake whined, getting Angel to ruffle his hair before she stood up.
"Well, I'm gonna go get some blow, toodles!" Angel said as she walked away, leaving the teen at the mercy of one of his mothers.
"Something you wanna tell me Mijo?" Vaggie asked, getting the blushing teen to shake his head.
"Oh hey dude." Jake received a text from Loona, as Vaggie raised an eyebrow.
"You gonna answer that?" She asked with a smirk, getting Jake to nod.
"Hey Loona, what's up?" Jake texted back, as Vaggie went back to her own phone, before he responded to Verosika.
"Making me blush for no reason is so not helpful around my mom." Jake responded, only to get a '😜' in return from the succubus, as Jake received another text from Loona.
"At work, being extremely bored while waiting for my dad to get back." Loona responded.
"Oof I feel that, I'm at my mom's hotel helping with paperwork." Jake responded back, only to get another quick response.
"Yeah fuck that, I'd rather just wait around then do paperwork." Loona responded, getting Jake to snort.
"Well if you're still bored by the time I finish here, I'll come visit." Jake sent his reply, only for him to receive another fast response.
"That'd be cool, I'd be happy to get to know you." Loona texted back, getting Jake to smirk.
"Bet, send me the address and I'll pull up." Jake responded, as his mother approached.
"Okay honey, you ready?" Charlie asked, ready to show her son the office and to knock out the paperwork.
"Yes ma'am, hey after this can we go visit my friend Loona?" Jake asked as he walked with his mother down a hallway.
"Yeah of course dear." Charlie said with a smile, as she led him into a decent size office, with a large desk and a small stack of papers.
"Well it seems we won't have much to do today." Charlie said, as she took her seat behind the desk, as Jake sat in front of the desk, and took the first sheet of paper.
"We plan on expanding here soon right?" Jake asked, looking over a few sheets stapled together, getting Charlie to look up from her own and nodded.
"Yeah, but the only problem would be the power supply." Charlie said, getting Jake to think a bit before an idea came into his head, a stupid idea, an idea so stupid that if done right could really work.
"I might have a way around that, but I need materials and some of the materials I need aren't in hell." Jake said as he began to think, getting Charlie to look up with an intrigued look as she spotted her son mumbling to himself as he began to write out an algorithm.
"So my idea is to use an Arc Reactor that is initialized through the ionization of graphene through an electric arc, while using the gamma radiation that's generated, coupled with the collisions of the particles inside the core, produces a potential difference in the core, thus causing current to flow in the reactor." Jake said as he used the pen to scratch the side of his head, as Charlie looked over the algorithm her eyes slowly widened.
"Can you really do it?" Charlie asked.
"To be honest, I'm not sure, I'm taking the Arc Reactor idea from Iron Man while using realistic materials." Jake said with a shrug, as he played with the pen in his hand.
"So wait, you got this idea from those superhero movies you watch?" Charlie asked with a raised brow, getting Jake to pout.
"Hey! I'm also doing the work in my head so I can figure this out, but if I'm able to do it I'll let you know." Jake said, getting Charlie to stare at her son before a smile began to form on her lips.
"Oh my baby is so smart, I can't wait to see what else that mind comes up with." Charlie said with a big smile, getting Jake to blush in embarrassment.
"Hey can I take an empty journal and this pen?" Jake asked, getting Charlie to nod before opening a bottom drawer and passing a fresh journal, as he stood.
"Okay mom, I'm heading to Imp City with the car." Jake said as he stood, getting Charlie to nod and smile.
"Go hangout with your friend honey, just when I call come pick up Vaggie and I." Charlie said, getting a nod in return from her son.
"Okay mom, I love you." Jake said, walking around the desk, and kissing his mother's cheek.
"I love you honey, I'll see you in a few hours." Charlie said, Jake waved bye as he left the room before dialing Loona's number, after the second ring she answered.
"H-Hello?" Loona asked, a bit nervous.
"Hey Loona, I'm heading that way if you're interested in me coming to chill." Jake said, getting an 'eep' from the older girl on the opposite side of the phone.
"Oh definitely, if my dad gets here before you do I'll let him know." Loona said, getting Jake to snicker.
"Sure, I'll see yah soon." Jake said as he walked down the stairs quickly, before hanging up and spotting Vaggie at the bar talking to Husk.
"Momma! I'm heading out." Jake called out, getting Vaggie to turn to him and smile.
"Okay then Mijo, have fun." She said with a smile, as he gave a thumbs up and left.
After an hour ride in the limo, Jake arrived at a tall building that has black Imp horns on the top of the building, before Jake shrugged and went into the building, before taking the elevator up the floor I.M.P. is on. Arriving at the door, he heard muffled voices on the other side of the door before he knocked a few times, getting the voices on the other side of the door to stop.
Suddenly the door was thrown open by Blitzo, who smiled widely at the sight of the teen.
"Hey kid! Come on in." Blitzo said, stepping to the side as Jake smiled and nodded.
"Thank you for having me." Jake said as Blitzo closed the door behind him, only for Jake to stop as he stared at a tall white owl in shock.
"Lord Stolas." Jake said with a slight bow, as Stolas bowed as well with a chuckle.
"The dark prince, it's an honor to meet you." Stolas said sticking out his hand, as Jake shook the hand of the Goeta matriarch.
"The honor is all mine, your work on the science of astronomy and space it's self is amazing." Jake said, getting Stolas's eyes to widen.
"You've read my work?"
"Oh yes sir, in my grandfather's library he had all of your books, and with not much to do I've read every book in the library." Jake said with a smile, getting the matriarch to laugh.
"Well my dear boy, I'm so glad to know someone enjoyed my work, I see you're working on something yourself." Stolas said, pointing to the journal, getting Jake to look at it, then back up at him and nodded.
"Oh yes sir, however I'm a bit stumped." Jake said,as he scratched the side of his head with the pen in his hand, as the Imps and hellhound watched.
"Well how about I take a look while you hang out with miss Loona, she was excited to get to know you." Stolas offered.
"Oh sir I don't wish to bother you with my work, I-"
"Nonsense my boy, nonsense, us scientists have to stick together." Stolas said with a smile and laugh, as Jake handed the journal with ideology, algorithms, and mathematical and scientific equations on the Arc Reactor, getting Stolas to take the journal and take a seat on the couch in the lounge.
"Moxxie, Millie, hello." Jake said with a warm smile as he walked past the two.
"Hello honey, how are yah?" Millie asked, getting Jake to let out a sigh.
"Well I'm alive I suppose." Jake said, getting a nod from the two imps.
"So you're actually here huh?" Loona asked, folding her hands together and resting her elbows on the table, as she rested her head on top of her conjoined hands.
"Well I can't keep a pretty girl waiting yah know, it wouldn't be very cool of me if I did that." Jake said as he sat on the corner of the desk, right next to her chair one leg hanging off the desk, as the other supported him up on the desk.
"Very true pretty boy, very true." Loona said with a grin, getting Jake to smirk.
"My, my Loona, flirting with me after not even knowing me for a whole day yet hmm?" Jake asked teasingly, getting the hellhound to smirk back with a soft blush on her face.
"I like your style kid." Loona said, getting Jake to quirk an eyebrow.
"Kid? You're not that much older than me." Jake said as he rolled his eyes, before realizing Loona was just staring at him with a smirk.
"Oh well it's not like you're in your thirties or whatever." Jake said, getting Loona to purse her lips and tilt her head with a single nod.
"Fair enough." Loona replied, as the two got to know each other better, talking about their favorite bands, and movies, what their favorite food is, etc.
"Lord Mange." Stolas called out as he approached quickly, taking long strides with a large smile on his face.
"Yes Lord Stolas?" Jake asked giving a smile in return.
"I would like to support you in making your arc reactor, I'll handle the funds and get you the material you need. However I must know, would you be able to do it? Because what you're trying to do could completely rewrite what we know about physics." Stolas said excitedly, as he waited for the teen to answer.
"Well Lord Stolas, if you want my complete honesty, I'm not sure. I got this idea from the Iron man movies and comics, and I mean Tony Stark as a whole is my hero. However that doesn't mean I'll give up, no matter how many setbacks." Jake said, as Stolas smiled again.
"Just what I was wanting to hear." Stolas said, as he stuck out his hand, getting the teen's eyes to widen as he stood and shook his hand.
"I'm excited to see where this investment will go young man, that mind of yours is extraordinary." Stolas said kindly, getting Jake to rub the back of his head sheepishly.
"You're too kind Lord Stolas, but I'll make sure I won't let you down." Jake said, getting the owl to nod.
"What's going on?" Moxxie asked, intrigued by their conversation as the two turned to the imps and hellhound.
"This boy is an absolute genius, he has an idea of a scientific breakthrough that could rewrite physics as we know." Stolas said, his voice filled with what sounded like pride.
"Well don't just leave us in the dark!" Loona yelled in annoyance, as she was wanting to go back to her conversation with the sexy prince before her.
"So my idea is to use an Arc Reactor that is initialized through the ionization of graphene through an electric arc, while using the gamma radiation that's generated, coupled with the collisions of the particles inside the core, produces a potential difference in the core, thus causing never ending flow of power in the reactor, making pure and clean energy." Jake explained as if he was simply talking about the weather.
"Okay I only understood maybe like six words of all that, so basically a self charging battery?" Loona asked, getting Jake to snort.
"More like the power of an entire nuclear power plant, in the size of a small circular object that could fit in your pocket." Jake said, causing all eyes to widen except Stolas who nodded with a smile on his features.
Suddenly the door was busted open by Verosika, who stared at the teen with a large smirk.
"Oh hey V, what are you doing here?" Jake asked, as Verosika just walked over to him and put her hands on her hips.
"My office is across the hall." She said simply, before looking around the room only to see the imps and hellhound lost in thought, as even Blitzo seemed shocked by something.
"What I miss?" Verosika asked in a whisper.
"Oh I simply blew their minds about a future invention of mine, seems like they're trying to figure it out." Jake said with a smirk.
"Oh? How about you tell your mommy V everything." Verosika whispered huskily in his ear, causing the teen to blush brightly.
"M-maybe later, I just got done explaining it to them and it took awhile, how did you know I was here anyway?" Jake asked, as she tapped her nose with her finger.
"I could smell your scent, and let me tell you, I could have that scent all around me all the time and I'd still be in love with it." She said, her hands feeling up his arms again, causing the teen to blush brighter.
"C-c'mon V stahp it, you're making me blush." Jake said as he slapped his hands on his cheeks, receiving a giggle from Verosika, before Blitzo spoke up.
"Hey get lost stank tits! This is my little customer, and I won't have your disease riddled holes all over him." Blitzo said, getting between Jake in a surprising protective manor.
"Oh fuck off shrimp dick, go jerk off a horse or something." Said Verosika putting a hand on her hip, as she cocked her hip out more as she rolled her eyes.
Jake's phone began to ring, with a song by Disturbed, getting Jake to quirk a brow.
"Excuse me." Jake said as he answered the phone.
"Hey what's up mom, are you guys already done?" Jake asked as he stretched his shoulder, and sighed.
"Afraid not, your mother is at angle tower by herself, I know you're with your friends but-"
"I'll be heading over there right now." Jake said interrupting Vaggie, his voice becoming cold and dark causing the ones in the room to shudder, before he hung up and turned to Blitzo.
"Wanna get paid?" Jake asked, getting Blitzo to straighten up quickly.
"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Blitzo asked, getting Jake to smirk.
"Grab your shit, we're going to give my mom some back up at angle tower." Jake said as he began to walk towards the door, getting the imps to scramble to get their weapons.
"Hey cutie, I'll see you around alright?" Verosika asked, as Loona nodded wondering the same thing.
"Of course." Jake nodded once as he smiled over his shoulder and gave a thumbs up, before walking out of the room, as Blitzo and the other two scrambled after him with excited looks on their faces. Verosika and Loona sighed simultaneously as they watched him leave, causing Stolas to chuckle as he watched them.
"I should bring Octavia here." Stolas thought with a smile, as Blitzo closed the door behind him.
After climbing into the limo and telling the driver the situation, the car began to speed down the road, as Jake pulled off the cushion next to him, and drew a black and red Colt 1911, with a torso holster and slipped the three extra mags in his vest pocket.
"Nice piece kid." Blitzo said as he pulled back the T-bar of his rifle, as Moxxie nodded in agreement.
"Thank you." Jake said, before slipping back on his aviator sunglasses, as they arrived at the tower.
Getting out, the three Imps followed behind the teen, weapons ready as they heard muffled singing behind a set of metal doors.
"Well shit kid, this angelic steel, there's no way we're getting past this." Blitzo said, only for the sound of a finger cracking, getting the three Imps attention.

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