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Onika's Pov~

My alarm echoed through my room, pulling me from a dream. I groaned, reaching out to silence it. I rolled my eyes at my curtains already being opened, closing my eyes back because it was too bright.  

I pushed back the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed. As I stood, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror: wild curls, dark eyes, and the hint of a smile. 

I headed to the bathroom,  turned on the shower, and then went to pick out my clothes while it was warming up. Once the shower was warm I got in and made sure to fully clean my body after about 25 minutes or so I got out brushed my teeth and washed my face.  I got dressed in my outfit which was just a white top and some jean shorts, I then put my accessories on.  

the scent of breakfast wafted through the air, and I followed it to the kitchen. my mom was already there, her presence both comforting and intimidating. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit, her gray eyes sharp and thoughtful.

"Good morning, Onika," she greeted me, a small smile playing on her lips. "Ready for your first day of senior year?"

"Morning, Mom," I replied, grabbing a piece of toast from the table. "Yeah, I think so. Just the usual first-day jitters."

"You'll do great," she assured me, her voice filled with confidence. "Remember, knowledge and wisdom are your greatest allies."

I nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. Mom always knew the right things to say. I finished my breakfast quickly and returned to my room to get dressed. After slipping on my shoes, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

My mom was waiting by the doorway, her eyes softening as she looked at me. "Have a good day, Onika. And if you need anything, I'm always here."

"Thanks, Mom," I said, giving her a quick hug. "I'll see you later."

As I walked to school, the morning air was crisp and filled with the sounds of birds chirping. I took a deep breath, this was the last year.

When I arrived at school, the hallways were already filled with students. I made my way to my locker, spun the combination lock, and started organizing my things. Just as I was placing my books on the shelf, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Onika!"  I heard, I turned around and seen my bestfriend Rihanna

"Morning, Ri," I replied, smiling back. "What's up?"

"So," she began, leaning against the locker beside mine, "I need a huge favor."

I raised an eyebrow, closing my locker with a soft click. "What kind of favor?"

"There's a new student, and I was supposed to show them around today. But I have this huge test in first period that I can't miss. Can you take over for me?"

I hesitated for a moment. I wasn't exactly the most sociable person, I wasn't exactly shy but I also wasn't the one to approch people, but helping out a friend – and a new student – seemed like the right thing to do. Plus, I remembered how daunting this place felt when I first arrived.

"Sure, I can do that," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Where is this new student?"

Rihanna's face lit up with relief. "Thank you so much, Onika! They're in the office waiting for someone to show them around. I owe you one."

Before I could respond, she gave me a quick hug and dashed off down the hallway. Taking a deep breath, I adjusted my bag again and headed towards the office, wondering who this new student was.

As I approached the office, I could feel my heartbeat quicken. I took a moment to compose myself before pushing open the door. The office was busy with activity, the secretary answering phone calls while students waited to be helped.

I glanced around and spotted a girl sitting in one of the chairs, looking slightly lost. She had long, blonde hair that framed her face and striking eyes that seemed to take in everything around her. She held her backpack tightly on her lap, her posture tense. she wsa wearing a white top with a jean skirt

"Hi, I'm Onika," I said, offering a friendly smile as I walked up to her. "Are you the new student?"

She looked up at me, her eyes softening with relief. "Yes, that's me. I'm Beyoncé."

"Nice to meet you, Beyoncé," I replied. "I'm here to show you around. Ready to get started?"

She nodded, standing up and slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Yeah, thanks. It's a bit overwhelming being in a new place."

"I understand," I said, leading her out of the office and into the hallway. "I was new here once too. It gets easier, I promise."

We walked through the hallways as I pointed out different classrooms and important spots like the library, the cafeteria, and the gym. Beyoncé listened attentively, asking questions here and there. I could tell she was trying to take it all in.

"So, where did you move from?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Houston" she replied. "My mom got a new job here, so we had to move. It's been a big change."

"Houston, huh? That must have been a cool place to live," I said, genuinely interested.

"Yeah, it was," she said, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "But I'm hoping to make some good memories here too."

We continued walking, and I found myself genuinely liking Beyoncé. She seemed smart and kind, with a quiet strength about her. As we reached the end of the tour, I realized I had enjoyed showing her around more than I expected.

"And this is your homeroom," I said, stopping in front of a door. "Mr. Thomas is the teacher. He's pretty nice."

"Thanks, Onika," Beyoncé said, giving me a small smile. "I appreciate you taking the time to help me out."

"No problem," I replied. "If you need anything or have any questions, feel free to find me. I'm usually around."

She nodded, looking a bit more at ease. "I will. Thanks again."

As I watched her walk into her homeroom, I felt a sense of satisfaction.  I turned to head to my own class, feeling a bit more confident about the day ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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