Ch-10: Resolutions and Revelations

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The evening air enveloped Minho and Hyunjin as they sat at the small dining table, their plates filled with the delicious meal Hyunjin had prepared. The aroma of chicken and cucumber bibimbap wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of Hyunjin's special dessert waiting in the fridge.

As they ate in comfortable silence, Minho couldn't help but steal glances at Hyunjin, admiring the way the soft light from the overhead lamp accentuated his features. There was a newfound ease between them, a sense of understanding that had blossomed from their shared experience moments ago.

With each bite, they savored not only the flavors of the food but also the warmth of each other's presence increased comforting them.

As Minho stole another glance at Hyunjin, something shifted in the air, and suddenly, he found himself transported to another time . In this vision, he saw Hyunjin as he had never seen him before-both familiar and yet wholly different.

Hyunjin stood before him, not as the Hyunjin of their current lives, but as a figure from their shared past. His hair was a cascade of golden strands, his skin fairer than porcelain, and his eyes held a wisdom that transcended time. In his hand, he wielded a sword with the confidence of a seasoned warrior, his every movement fluid and precise.

As Minho gazed upon this vision of Hyunjin , a sense of recognition washed over him, as if deep within his soul, he had always known this version of Hyunjin. It was a glimpse into a time long gone yet eternally intertwined with their present existence-a reminder of the enduring bond that bound their souls across the ages.

Minho beheld the vision of Hyunjin from the vision a smile illuminated the prince-like figure's face, a smile filled with a depth of affection and recognition that echoed across time. But before Minho could fully grasp the significance of this encounter, the vision began to fade, dissipating like mist in the morning sun.

Suddenly, Minho felt a gentle shake, and the familiar voice of Hyunjin from their current time pierced through the lingering remnants of the vision. Dark-haired and concerned, Hyunjin's presence brought Minho back to the present moment, his words breaking through the haze of the past.

"Hyung, are you here? What happened? Are you fine?" Hyunjin's voice was filled with genuine concern, his dark eyes searching Minho's face for any sign of distress.

Blinking away the remnants of the vision, Minho met Hyunjin's gaze with a mixture of bewilderment and wonder. The memory of the vision lingered like a whisper in the recesses of his mind, but now, with Hyunjin's reassuring presence by his side, Minho felt grounded in the reality of their shared existence.


As Minho and Hyunjin lay on the bed, Hyunjin's troubled expression betrayed his inner turmoil. He confessed to Minho his fear of falling asleep, plagued by recurring nightmares that haunted him whenever they were apart.

Concern etched across his features, Minho gently probed, "What happens in these nightmares? Are they filled with blood, war, and death? Do you see scenes that feel eerily familiar?"

Surprised by Minho's accurate description, Hyunjin hesitated before admitting, "How did you know? I never shared the details with you. I only mentioned the nightmares."

Minho's gaze softened with understanding. "I noticed something was bothering you. Remember when my eyes turned lavender? That's when it started. I've been having visions too, strange and vivid, ever since we arrived here. I wanted to tell you earlier, but we argued."

A sense of relief washed over Hyunjin as he realized he wasn't alone in his experiences. Taking a deep breath, he reached out to grasp Minho's hand, finding solace in their shared connection.

As they lay together, Minho's fresh meadow sweet scent mingled with Hyunjin's spicy and musky aroma, creating a comforting blend that enveloped them both. Drawing strength from each other, they found reassurance in their bond, knowing they could face whatever challenges lay ahead as long as they were together.

As they lay together, Minho's fingers brushed against a small velvet pouch tucked beneath his pillow. With a gentle smile, he retrieved the pouch and placed it in Hyunjin's hands.

Curious, Hyunjin untied the ribbon and opened the pouch, revealing a delicate pendant nestled within. The pendant was unlike anything he had ever seen, crafted from iridescent blue crystal that shimmered with an ethereal glow. Each facet of the crystal seemed to capture the essence of moon, casting a warm and comforting light in the dim room.

Transfixed by its beauty, Hyunjin held the pendant up to the soft lamplight, marveling at how it seemed to pulsate with energy. He could feel a sense of calm wash over him, as if the pendant held within it a powerful protective charm.

"It's for you, Hyunjin," Minho said softly. "I found it at the market, and it reminded me of you , its 'Sapphire Guardian' . Wear it always, and may it bring you peace and protection against the darkness that haunts your dreams."

Touched by Minho's thoughtful gesture, Hyunjin felt a lump form in his throat. He had never received such a unique and meaningful gift before, one that seemed to understand him on a level beyond words.

"Thank you, Minho," Hyunjin whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I will treasure it always, and I'll wear it every day as a reminder of your love and support."

With tears of gratitude glistening in his eyes, Hyunjin embraced Minho tightly, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort envelop him like a protective embrace. In that moment, as they held each other close, Hyunjin knew that no matter what trials they faced, they would always find solace in the strength of their bond.

As the night enveloped them in its comforting embrace, Minho and Hyunjin nestled together in peaceful slumber, their breathing slow and steady like the gentle rhythm of waves lapping against the shore.

Wrapped in the warmth of their shared embrace, they slept like babies, their bodies entwined in a tender embrace that spoke volumes of their unbreakable bond. The soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a tranquil aura over the room as they drifted off into dreams.

With the pendant, now resting against Hyunjin's chest, he felt a sense of security wash over him, as if a watchful presence stood guard over his peaceful rest. And by his side, Minho slept soundly, his hand intertwined with Hyunjin's, a silent vow of protection and devotion.

And as they slept, the world outside faded away, leaving only the gentle lullaby of their intertwined hearts.

And as they slept, the world outside faded away, leaving only the gentle lullaby of their intertwined hearts

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Did Hwang Sam paid Minho a visit? Oh of course he did !!!

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