Chapter 1

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What. Is. This? 

My breath quickens, a heavy lump forming in my throat. I read the note once more, my heart pounding, needing reassurance that I wasn't losing my grip on reality.

In the dimly lit cabin, my trembling fingers unfold the worn piece of parchment, my heart pounding with anticipation and dread. The words etched onto the paper seem to dance before my eyes, their weight heavy upon my young shoulders.

"Misarre, Our sweet sweet child," the letter begins, written in my parents' familiar script. Each word echoes with a bittersweet melody, stirring emotions within me that I struggle to contain.

"The time has come, we can no longer protect you. You must venture forth by yourself," the note continues, its message sinking deep into my soul like an anchor dragging me into the unknown depths.

"We cannot tell you where we have gone and do not come looking, but we can tell you that the path ahead will not be easy. There will be pain, suffering, and sorrow. There will be times where you want to give up and times of pure confusion."

Tears well in my eyes as I absorb the weight of my parents' words, the reality of their absence crashing over me like a relentless wave. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope flickers—a beacon of light amidst the encroaching shadows.

"But, that is not all there is to life," the note continues, its tone infused with a sense of reassurance that belies the gravity of our situation. "You must open your eyes and seek to find yourself and the good things that await. Do not worry, do not fret, because everything will work out."

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A trembling breath escapes my lips as I cling to those words, their promise of hope a lifeline in the midst of my despair. "Please forgive us for this," the letter concludes, its final plea a whisper in the silence of the cabin.

At the bottom of the note, my gaze falls upon a set of instructions, their significance weighing heavy upon my heart. With a determined resolve, I steel myself for the journey ahead, knowing that my parents' guidance will light my path even in their absence.

I turn the note around, my curiosity piqued, hoping to find any additional clues. To my surprise, nestled amidst the words is a peculiar drawing of an unknown object. Intrigued, I lean in closer, my fingertips tracing the lines of the illustration.

Suddenly, a jolt of energy surges through the parchment, causing it to shimmer with a brilliant glow. Startled, I recoil, my hand instinctively pulling away as the note levitates before me. A blinding white light bursts forth from its surface, illuminating the room with an otherworldly brilliance.

As I shield my eyes from the radiance, I watch in awe as the mysterious object depicted in the drawing materializes before me, its form taking shape from the heart of the luminous glow.

As I shield my eyes from the radiance, I watch in awe as the mysterious object depicted in the drawing materializes before me, its form taking shape from the heart of the luminous glow

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