🔞6. Wanting the Wanted-p2 (Bottom Shubman)

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*third person's POV*

"What does the pattern say, Gill?"
"It is tomorrow.. I think this time we should take less people. Every time he seems to know that we'll be in a large number, so he's extra careful. But we should let him think it'll be less of us, so he'll become carefree"
"Good idea.. Update me on who you think should go. I'll prepare everyone"


"Back, Baby boy?"
"Yes... You promise you won't go tomorrow?"
"Yes Shubi.. I.. I want to change"
"I'm sure you will"

"Ishu, come here for a minute "
"Yes Shu- oh.. I- Um... Wow"

Ishan's jaw almost hit the ground. Shubman was just in his boxers, searching for something in his cupboard.
"Ishu, can't select a good shir- hmph"

Ishan pressed Shubman's body into the cupboard, kissing him and tracing his skin.
"Pretty... So beautiful"

Shubman blushed and closed the cupboard door, pulling Ishan by the hem of his shirt.
"Mmm, Baby... I want to.."
"Do whatever you want, Ishan. I'm yours"

Ishan smirked, his 2 fingers creeping inside Shubman's boxers from behind, tracing and teasing around his hole.
Shubman moaned and jumped, trying to get Ishan to give him more.

"Ask for it, Baby boy... Say what you want"
"I.. I... Fuck me please"
"Please what?"
"Please Daddy"

"Good boy... Face in the pillow, ass in the air, Baby... I'll give you what you want"

Shubman complied, slipping out of his boxers. He bent over on the bed for his Ishan, and waited for him to do something.
"A minute, Baby boy, let me prepare my cock for you. Don't want to hurt you"

Shubman was getting impatient. He wanted Ishan. He sneakily tried to build some friction around his length, getting a loud smack on his hand.

"SHUBMAN. What was THAT?"
"I- I'm - I"
"Did you ask me?"
"Do you know what that means?"
"... Punishment?"
"Good boy... I'll not fuck you now, because you've been a bad boy... And, you'll get 10 spanks. Got it?"
"I'll make it 20"
"Yes, Daddy"

"Start counting, Baby boy"

Ishan lifted his hand, and collided loudly with Shubman's ass. Shubman moaned and squealed out a 'one'
Ishan continued this nine more times and Shubman was enjoying it way too much.

"Enjoying your punishment, Baby boy?"
"Y- Ughhhh- Yes" Ishan started kneeding the purple-red skin.

"Good. Will you do this again?"
"Good Baby"


"Gill, it's time... Are we ready?"
"We are, Sir..."

This time Shubman, along with a few agents waited at what was supposed to be the crime scene, but it won't be anymore.

Hours passed, nothing yet.
"Sir.. it's been five hours since we arrived. Are you sure he's going to be here?"
"... It has been too long... I think you're right. Agents, retreat. I think the wanted is not robbing today"
"Yes sir!"


He informed Bumrah about the absence of the criminal and then went back to his home, expecting Ishan.

"Ishu? I'm home" no response. "Ishuuu... Are you hiding from me?"

He turned on the lights, finding no one.
With a heavy heart he went into the kitchen, drank some water and opened the door to his bedroom.

There he finally saw his little Ishan. Whenever he's asleep, he looks like a small little kid who just should be loved. He deserves all the love in the world.

Ishman | one shots♡| Top Shubman💙Where stories live. Discover now