gun play.

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The air came out my lungs in short bursts, again and again.

"Go on, breathe more. For me," the villain spoke, inching the gun bit by bit from my head.

It was pathetic, I know, to agree to the villain's whims; but I wasn't about to die simply because of my endless pride.

So l panted. And panted.

"You're doing so good," I hear her say.

"What do you want?" I spat out, breathless, because I had to be.

The gun drew closer, by just a bit, and I took it as a cue to not talk.

The villain raised an eyebrow. "It's nice seeing you all.. hot and bothered like this. Isn't it?"

"Louder. I know you can do better than that." I forced myself to bite down on my lips to keep me from retorting. I kept on breathing, hard, hard, harder-

She was having fun toying with me. It was a twisted kind of pleasure, fit for the villain.

My head was swimming with how ridiculous this situation was.

Maybe, if I tried harder, the gun would go back to her pocket, where it belongs. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open just a bit, enough time for her to lower the gun from my head to my neck. It grazed my throat, and I shuddered.

Oh god. I was pathetic, if I was going to whimper for the villain.

But I wasn't someone who wanted to die.

"That's right, whimper for me." I finally got the courage to raise my head and look at her. Her lips were stretched in a vicious smirk, bordering on a grin.

The gun inched lower, leaving my neck. In between my never-ending breaths, I breathed a sigh of relief; at least it wasn't near my vital parts anymore.

"Look at me," she said, tilting her head. "Look at me while you pant."

She was caging me in, and I was pressed against the wall. I had no choice but to look down or look at her. Maybe I could sweep my feet to trip her up, now that a gun wasn't at my head.

"I can hear the cogs turning in that little brain of yours. Don't forget I still have a gun in hand, darling." The aforementioned gun pressed into my hip painfully. I sucked in a breath.

It was all or nothing, wasn't it?

I breathed even more, even harder, once, twice, hoping that it'd distract them. She leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Good job. Keep going."

I couldn't miss this chance. I shot my knee up, hoping to kick the villain in her stomach, which was unsuccessful, while my hand flew to where she held her gun. Her eyes widened, and she tried to shoot, but it missed; I thrashed and managed to get ahold of the gun somehow. It was a blur; the villain cursed at me and threw a jab at my ribs. I winced, but I was able to flip us over so that she was the one against the wall, and I was the one holding her prisoner. l immediately scrambled to hold the gun against her head.

"You.." the villain was enraged, staring at me with anger and lust in her glare.

We were both panting, as an idea creeped into my mind.

I pointed the gun at her head, whispering against her neck.

"Why don't *you* whimper for me?"

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