Part 2

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2 years later
Catherine's house
"It's next week dad" Sarah said excitedly running into the kitchen where Josh was
"Your trip" Josh questioned
"Yess" Sarah said
"I'm happy for you" Josh smiled
"But?" Sarah questioned
"I'm worried" Josh said
"You are always worried" Sarah said
"I know but you'll be gone for four days, Sarah, and with Abby, I just worry something bad will happen" Josh said
"You act like I'm going on a trip with her, I grew up with the river, I can handle it dad" Sarah said
"I know you can" Josh sighed
"Come here" Sarah said drawing her dad into a hug "I know you need this"
"I love you Sarah" Josh said hugging Sarah back
"I love you too dad" Sarah smiled

A few minutes later
"We're home" Catherine said entering the house with Sunny and Bailey
"Hey guys" Josh said
"Dads worried" Sarah said
"What about? Cause that isn't new" Catherine said
"About the trip" Sarah said
"She'll be fine Josh, she leaves tomorrow morning anyway, so nothing you can do" Catherine shrugged
"I know" Josh sighed
"I saw a turtle at the park" Sunny said
"Really" Josh questioned
"There was a little pond" Catherine said
"I'm hungry" Bailey whined
"Bailey" Catherine said
"Can I please have a snack" Bailey asked
"Better" Catherine said
"Yogurt?" Josh questioned
"Strawberry please" Bailey said taking a seat at the table as Josh brought over her yogurt
"Can I go over to Susan's" Sunny asked
"I'll text and see if Max is home" Catherine said
C: You home?
M: Yeah, Sam's out with Billy
C: Sunny wants to come over and play with Susan
M: Send her over
C: Ok
"Go ahead" Catherine said to Sunny
"Yay" Sunny cheered running out the door
"Going for a bike ride, I'll be back" Sarah said leaving
"Be careful" Josh said
"Always am" Sarah said
"And Sunny" Josh said
"I know, careful by the river" Sunny said leaving
"Then there were three" Catherine laughed sitting next to Bailey at the table

Max's house
"Wanna play Barbie's" Susan asked as her and Sunny were sitting on the floor in Susan's room
"Yeah, we can be the moms" Sunny said
"Ok" Susan smiled grabbing two Barbie's and handing Sunny one
"We should have a dog" Sunny said
"What should the name be" Susan asked
"Biscuit" Sunny said
"Good idea, Sunshine" Susan smiled

A while later
After Sarah's bike ride, Catherine told her to grab Sunny on her way inside.
"Hey Sarah" Max said who was sitting on his porch swing
"Hey" Sarah said sitting next to him
"Gotta grab Sunny" Max questioned
"Soon, I want to ask you something" Sarah said
"Alright" Max said
"Do you think I should stay home instead of the school trip" Sarah asked
"No, I think you should go, it's a good experience to have, just careful with the river and everything, you already are so I think you'll have fun" Max said "plus I really don't think the river will bother you on the trip"
"That's what I was thinking, my mom says I should go but that's cause she likes to disagree with my dad, and my dad worries about everything" Sarah said
"That's true, but you can't worry about that ok, you just gotta do you sometimes" Max said
"Thanks Max" Sarah said
"You're welcome" Max said standing up along with Sarah ready to head inside
"I love you Max" Sarah said giving Max a hug
"Love you too kiddo" Max said
"She's ready to leave" Sam said opening the door standing with Sunny, Susan, and Billy, their  two year old adopted son.
"No I'm not" Sunny said
"You can come back tomorrow" Sam said
"Good" Sunny said "bye everyone"
"Bye guys" Max smile as Sunny and Sarah left

Billy's Burgers
Elle, Shawn and their kids were getting dinner at Billy's Burgers
"I won't go to jail or anything if I don't get a burger" Will asked
"Yeah you will, they take you away, you'll get locked up and tortured for the rest of you life" Hope said
"What, I'll get a burger then" Will said
"Hope don't scare your brother like that" Elle said
"So I'm ok to get a chicken sandwich" Will asked
"Yes, Billy's Burgers is just the name" Shawn said
"After we get our food, we can sit down outside and eat" Elle said
"Can I get a milkshake" Hope asked
"No" Elle said
"Why? Dads letting Will get one" Hope pouted
"You were mean to your brother" Elle said
"Fine" Hope grumbled

They finally sat down with their food
"Joesph get off your phone" Elle said
"Can we stop at Catherine's on the way home" Joesph asked
"Why" Shawn asked
"Sarah has her sophomore trip, she leaves early tomorrow so I won't get to say bye tomorrow" Joesph said
"I'll text Catherine, but I don't see why that shouldn't be a problem" Elle said
"These burgers look good" Abby grinned sitting down at their table
"I thought you couldn't eat" Elle said
"Doesn't mean I can't admire" Abby said
"It's fast food" Elle said
"Why are you here" Shawn asked
"Just saying hi" Abby said
"Who are you" Will asked
"That's Abby stupid" Hope said
"Kids, don't talk to her" Shawn mumbled
"No need to go all protective dad on me" Abby said rolling her eyes "Hope's right, my name is Abby"
"I was told to be scared of you" Will said
"No need, not yet at least" Abby said taking a fry from Shawn
"What do you mean" Shawn asked
"Let's play a fun little game" Abby said
"What game" Elle asked
"One sec, Joesph do not send that text warning Sarah about my presence" Abby said making Joesph jump and set his phone down on the table
"Sorry" Joesph mumbled
"Now, where was I, oh the game" Abby grinned
"Abby, we don't want any part of this" Shawn said
"Really, cause I think you do, I think this would be the perfect distraction for you guys" Abby said
"Distraction from what" Shawn asked
"Your life's" Abby said "now what if I told you in the future there was away to reverse the magic, you'd not be effected by the river magic"
"I doubt that" Elle said
"I'm serious, I actually test this out on Will in the future, but of course you won't remember, you won't remember now either, like I said before, distraction is key" Abby grinned and with that she was gone
And so were the memories

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