-'♡'- 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙨 𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧 -'♡'-

128 11 26

It had been another week added to the sixty-two days since I was captured by Core Cracker.

By this point, I don't think my Balancers are coming, but I still have to hope. No matter what'll happen to me, for my last bits of sanity since well- everything, I have to keep hoping. I swore I'd protect them since I created DeBalance and ReBalance. What good am I if I fail to keep my promises?

I sat in my tiny cell, my newly trimmed hair, which was trimmed by layers and length, seemed tidier now that I looked inside of the cauldron infront of my eyes. A small sigh escaped my mouth as I listened to the footsteps above. The obsidian walls I was getting used to, the auras of my father figure Notch and his siblings stopped visiting. I felt lonely.

Someone seemed to frantically run down the stairs, making an audible 'tap tap creaaaaaaaaaaak' on them; I glanced up with a curious look in my formerly shining light blue-dark blue heterochromatic eyes.

It was just who anyone expect, Core Cracker, looking frantic as he opened the cell, picked me up in his freezing armor, and just teleported away, before placing me in another area.

"It's too dangerous, they were approaching," Core Cracker sighed, as he seemed to notice how my face lit up, so they were coming for me!

My glee immediately shut down when he spoke a grim message to me before he left with a trot while he spoke in a voice of confidence, the one he used when telling what he claimed was the truth,

"Not for you, they wanted to get the core fragments back. They think you're DEAD, Balance. They didn't even look when I asked if they did. Just give up, they're not coming."

It was like this for seven weeks.. just him telling me about the exact same message with different wording.

Now it has been one-hundred and eleven days since I was taken hostage by Core Cracker. I don't think my child figures are coming for me. They probably could've tracked my aura, at least one of them could've. They would've found me and taken me away if the truly cared for my life. I miss fresh air.

The world seems to be darker now that I notice I'm gifted iron bars in my new cell, that guard a window behind it so I can see the rest of the End. The colors there were beautiful.. an endless horizon endstone island after endstone island.

I glanced at beside me, to see Core Cracker standing there with a plate of food and a present. Which led to my snatching of the food.. and chewing it thoroughly before grabbing the present, and opening it.

. . . .

Clothes.. newly sewn clothing. I was dumfounded for about 7 minutes before I bit back an almost childish noise. I can't be childish. Not here, not now.

"Thank you, Core Cracker," I settled for saying instead, as I just quickly put the clothing of a purple-ish color, the same of Core Cracker's eyes with white, and it almost had he color scheme of Core Cracker's armor. My voice was hoarse and raspy from the lack of speaking I've done.

Core Cracker seemed delighted at that, as he gave me water and spoke to me on a lesson on why obedience is key. I guess at this point, maybe it's too early, but this Albino enderman I saw as my enemy is one of the few people besides UnBalance who've not just used me for things, and actually gave items back. I don't hate my balancers for it, I only wish they gave things back to me for all I've given to them.

It's a hard life, being the 'Balance' of the 3rd generation, all I wanted was a family and to complete my mission, not this spiral of chaos.

I noticed Core Cracker just opened the cell door, and asked me a calm question,

"Do you want to sit on the couch?"

I quickly nodded.. I haven't sat on anything that wasn't my tough bed in MONTHS.

Core Cracker just picked me up and plopped me onto a couch nearby, he pat me on the head gently, before whispering to me,

"Do you want revenge?"

He put the hand with the gauntlet on my cheek, before brushing it with his thumb, a gentle caress. I liked it, I haven't had affection nor attention that wasn't 'Balance the leader' or 'bad attention' since I was just Light Steve from The Steve Saga.

I shook my head no at first, I wouldn't hurt my kids, no parent should.

He seemed to notice my happiness and smiled at me; I didn't want it to end. Core Cracker stared at me, as he asked the question again, this time however was with a few bribes,

"I SAID do you want revenge? I'll even give you an hour of affection if you do. Maybe some extra rations and you don't sleep in the cell.."

I immediately nodded for it, I'd help, for the affection. I hated how I was touch-starved, but who cares now, an hour of a platonic love should be enough to fill my gap. I also hated how the bed was uncomfortable given to me and how Core Cracker overfed me originally to make me crave food, when I usually have a small appetite.

"Good, good job, Balance," Core Cracker praised me for my acceptance to help him, even if I knew the consequences of destroying the cores.

It hadn't mattered anymore, who did I really have that cared about my well-being other than Core Cracker.

I looked at him with despair, though he just said to me gently,

"Balance, come here, your hour is now.."

He grabbed me onto his lap and began petting me as if I was some sort of depressed dog, which mentally I probably could've been.

I just sat there, enjoying the caresses, pets, and snuggles I'd received throughout the hour. I then fell asleep with silence.. there was no sign of it, I was just comfortable.

Sooner or later, I woke up to being in a new room.. the bed was comfortable and there was no way in VOID I was going to have backpain from sleeping here.

I loved the soft, warm sheets of the bed, but I heard familiar footsteps open my door.. not Core Cracker familiar, but my door burst open, to reveal someone I knew quite well.

Author's Note:

You really thought I wouldn't pull a cliff hanger on you? YOU THOUGHT WRONG BECAUSE I'M PULLING AN INFINITERINZLER EPISODE 95 ENDING! (Dw I'll work on the next chapter soon :D)

I made it to over 1k words on a chapter, I'm happy!

Also, if you listen to 'The Sweater Song slowed (intro only)' on youtube I think you'll understand where the heck I got motivation to write this :D

Have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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