Chapter 2- Germany

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As I walk out the door of the restaurant, my mind is whirling. Why did I just do that? I mean, I am usually so very careful with my money. Oh mein gott, Roderich is going to murder me. He won't even let me throw away underwear with holes, he is going to skin me alive for just giving money away. But, Feliciano really needed it. It's obvious he hasn't had a good meal in a long time. I wonder how long he was out of work for.

I walk up to my house, and unlock the door. As I push the door open, I hear the TV on in the other room. "Hey West! How was work?" I hear Prussia call from his seat in front of the TV.

"Gut." I say, placing my briefcase carefully on the bench next to the door. I shrug off my coat, and place it equally carefully on the coat hook.

"You're later than usual. What kept you?" Prussia asks. "Oh, I was having dinner." I say simply. "Aw, come on. Dinner never takes you that long. You're half an hour late." Prussia says, getting up off the couch with a stretch. "You can't tell me that you just sat at the restaurant for half an hour." He looks at me expectantly, red eyes gleaming mischievously. 

"I was having a conversation with one of the waiters." I say, ignoring the look on his face. "Ah. Was she pretty?" He asks. I look at him in confusion, before figuring out what he was getting at. "Ugh, Prussia! I was not flirting! And it was a guy anyway!" Prussia laughs. "Hah! I never would have expected it of you West!" He says sarcastically. "You are so manly! I was sure you were straight!" I turn bright red at his words. "I AM NOT GAY!" I yell at him, and he just laughs louder, until he is practically as loud as America on Fourth of July. "Hey Roderich!" He yells up the stairs "WEST IS GAY!" I run my hand through my hair, trying to keep from yelling more.

This is a topic Prussia has messed with me about for decades. He is adamant on the fact that since I have never had a girlfriend, I must be gay. No matter how many times I tell him I am not gay, he refuses to believe me. One time I even pointed out how our country treated homosexuals during the World Wars, particularly World War Two, and he just shrugged it off, saying that times change.

"Prussia, I am not gay. In fact, if I had to say, I would say I was asexual." I say calmly. Prussia shuts up immediately, and looks at me in surprise. "Asexual? Wow West. I never would have taken it that far."

We stand in the entryway in silence, until another voice calls from upstairs. "Germany, is that you and Prussia fighting down there? You two are so childish you really need to grow up." Austria comes down the stairs, wearing his pajamas. "I was trying to sleep. You two woke me up. I believe it was a shout of "West is gay." That woke me up. Prussia, you really shouldn't say things like that. You know how Germany feels about homosexuals."

Here he looks at me with a look somewhere between fear and disgust. I sigh. "Look, that is not how I feel." I say. "I can't control what my government does. Do you think I WANTED to kill my own people?" I say, annoyed that he had to bring this back up. I thought we left this topic in the twentieth century.

He shrugs, and walks back up the stairs. "You two just keep it down, okay?" He says as he turns the corner. "Fine." Prussia mutters, as I say yes. Prussia walks back into the living room as I head upstairs to my bedroom. I quickly get ready for bed and lie down.

As I lie in bed, I think back to dinner. It was pleasant. Just having someone other than a crazy boss, crazy brother, or crazy... whatever the hell I should call Austria, to talk to. Feliciano was a good listener, and had told some funny stories as well. I got the feeling he is a lot older than he looks. Or at least has been through enough to be wiser than his years. But he still did some pretty childish things. I noticed that one of his shoes wasn't tied, and when I told him, he just stared at it as if it would fix itself, then shrugged it off. Also, the pasta sauce on his shirt was a bit cute, and it was obvious he tried to wipe it off when he walked away. Wait, did I just think it was CUTE? I haven't called anything cute since my dog Blackie was a puppy.

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