Episode 2 - Part 5

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As Leovel, Susilo, and Chokun immediately left, Carm was standing in the mess hall, surrounded by a bunch of messy guys in a pigsty of a mess hall.

Of course, the minute he enters into their cone of vision, anyone under his command would immediately snap to attention.

Only problem was, they were caught in a less than dignified moment, what Carm would do was a complete wild card.



"AM I UNDERSTOOD!" Carm bellowed

"SIR YES SIR!" Everyone shouted.

And then everyone immediately got to work


Approximately 2 minutes later

Normally, you'd have to practically beg to get rowdy teenagers and young adults to work without complaint, but here it certainly wasn't required here

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Normally, you'd have to practically beg to get rowdy teenagers and young adults to work without complaint, but here it certainly wasn't required here.

If you were a complainer, you'd have a very real chance of getting discharged, or worse, seen by the others as non-patriotic. So they followed even the slightest orders to the letter.

The F.T.P. was basically discipline hell in comparison to normal high schools and colleges. It was basically as if U.S. Army ROTC was the only class.

Naturally, test scores were terrible, but that was beside the point, if you signed up here, you were going to be conditioned to follow a strict dress code, and to obey orders without question.

And after those Cadets were done, that mess hall was practically gleaming.

"AT EASE!" Carm shouted

A few sighs of relief were heard. These guys likely thought they'd be in serious trouble, but Carm knew that they'd just beat the primary geopolitical rival of the United States in the largest sporting tournament in the world with relative ease, so Carm decided to spare punishments.

These were his handpicked men, all of them were talented and experienced soldiers, they needed to know and have faith that Carm was on their side.

Respect of your men as a commanding officer is of upmost importance, and sometimes your reputation alone will not suffice, you needed to back up your position with action, and as General of Operations, Carm's responsibility as commander stretched over everyone.


Carm stepped into the line for food.

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