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It was a normal morning,everyone was doing whatever they wanted to do as it was the day before school starts,the two best friends were chilling in their dorm , "hey gabby,i forgot to tell you this but my favorite cousin is transferring here along with his friends,idk them but yeah just wanted to say" Hana says "gang,sion?" gabby asks, "yeah" Hana says "damn haven't seen him since first grade" gabby says.

Principals office

The 6 boys walk into the principal, " you're finally,sion come give auntie a hug" Mrs Lee says, "hi auntie" sion says giving the principal a hug, "you're so grown up it felt like yesterday when you,Hana and gabby were running up and down the house." Mrs Lee says and pinches the boy's cheek,the rest of the boys were confused, "auntie ,principal here is my cousin's best friend's mom" Sion explained,the boys nodded in understanding "my daughter and sion used to have a thing for each other in the eighth grade" Mrs Lee says,the boys widened their eyes "Nah we were just friends auntie" sion says hiding his blush, Mrs Lee gave him a look,"now for safety reasons you guys won't be using the normal dormitory rooms ,you'll be in our private dormitory and because no other students use them you'll be room with my daughter gabby and her friend Hana" Mrs Lee explains "for real?" Sion says out of excitement, Mrs Lee nodded "yay! High school is gonna be much fun now." Sion says.

"Were you really just friends?" Riku teased , "no but you really think I'm gonna tell her mom that" sion says "sion hyung you naughty boy" ryo says "was she your first kiss?" Sakuya asks "yeah" sion says "did you guys ever do the devils tango?" Riku asks "no what the hell." Sion says .

The two girls were still chilling in their dorm. "Ay do you still have a crush on Sion?" Hana asks, gabby chuckles "no" gabby says "really? You still stalk his insta" Hana says "shut up" gabby says.

They hear keys by the door and immediately knew who it was, the boys walked "yooooo!" Sion and Hana scream and just like any normal pair of cousins they started acting like idiots. "Hi there"  gabby says, Sion knowledges her ,gabby walks closer obviously wanting a hug, and sion gives her one, "bruh ain't no fucking way y'all still got this eighth grade romance shit going on." Hana says "why are you a hater?" They both say "cry about it" Hana says.

"So sion,are you gonna introduce us to your pretty cousin.. and her friend?" Riku says standing next to sion. "Relax there buddy shes gay asf" sion says ,riku turns around, skretching the back of his head, everyone laughed at him. "Anyways this is sakuya,ryo,yushi,daeyong and riku" sion says "and dudes,this is Hana and this is gabby" sion says "yo how old are you two?" Hana asks pointing at ryo and sakuya "16" they both say "damn" Hana says "babies" gabby says "aren't they cute" sion says pinching their cheeks "I forgot how much you like cuteness" Hana says "of course he does,I mean" gabby says pointing at herself  "oh my gosh,who wants to know where their room is,run while you still can" Hana says whispering the last part.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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