Chapter 1: Code Names and Mafia Members

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~~~~~~~~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~~~~~~~~

We were picking our code names. I was trying hard to think of one, when I came up with "Samantha/Samuel". ((If you're a girl, Samantha. If a guy, Samuel, sorry :3)) It wasn't the most creative thing, but I panicked. I saw some of the names, but four of them stood out: ZeRoyalViking, ChilledChaos, GaLm, Smarticus. Before I went into deep thought, we got our roles. I got "Mafioso". Sweet. A killing class! We all gathered into the center of town, and I looked around at the people, when I saw four guys gathered together. They seemed kinda suspicious. Before I went into deep though again, I heard a masked man say, "It's almost night time! Get to your homes, and stay safe!" We all went to our homes, but I looked back at the four guys, who were actually looking at me. One of them, wearing a Mario hat, nodded to me. Another, wearing a Viking hat, smirked at me. The others just smiled and nodded. I nodded back to the four, returning the smile, then headed to my house, awaiting word from my fellow mafia.

~Time skip to night, brought to you by "God dammit, Smarty!"~

I received a knock at my door. I opened the door to find a man wearing a Mario hat. The same guy from earlier! "You're the Mafioso, I take it?" He said, with a voice that sounded slightly Italian. "Yes", I responded. "Are you another member of the Mafia?" He just chuckled. "Yes, sweetheart. I'm the Godfather!" I was kinda surprised, but I hid it. "Follow me, we're meeting with the others." With hesitation, I followed the Italian, finding it ironic that he's also the Godfather. When we made it to the house, he knocked on the door. The door opened slightly, and he whispered something to the person behind the door. The door opened, and he looked at me. "Come on in.", he said. I followed him into the house, and the door shut as soon as I was in the house. I flinched a little, and two other guys, who I assumed were fellow mafia, laughed at my jumpiness. "That's the Mafioso?" One asked. "I think we got the wrong person, Chilled. You sure this is the right person?" The other asked. "Yes, I'm sure!" The Godfather, I'm guessing to be Chilled, barked, making the others shut up instantly. Chilled turned to me. "Introduce yourself, rookie." 'I'm the Mafioso. My codename is (Samantha/Samuel). Who are you guys?" I asked. "I'm the Disguiser!" One exclaimed with pride. "The codename's GaLm!" The other one looked up at me. "I'm the....Consort." The other said, sheepishly. "The codename's Smarticus." "Hey, you guys were gathered with another guy earlier!" I exclaimed. "Yea," Chilled said."That guy is our friend...but, he can't be trusted..." "Why?" I asked. "Because," GaLm stepped in. "He told us he's the Serial Killer...he showed us the knife, and everything..." "What's his codename? So I can be sure." I asked. "His codename," Smarticus said, "Is ZeRoyalViking."

((Hey, guys! I gotta end this one here. So, 3 Derps vs. one Derp? Pretty interesting, if you ask me. Let me know what you think so far, if I should change anything, ect. Another chapter will be out soon! See ya! :) ))

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