Of course its Ari

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3rd person pov

"I like to always operate under the assumption that nothing he says is serious" Han said as they arrived at the call

"The air nozzle is embedded in hsi ass cheek. I shut it off, but i was afraid to move him" the manager explained as they made their way to Hector

"Ok, Hector, can you hear me?" Captain Nash asked as they all surrounded him, "All right, hang in there, buddy. All right, lets get him on his side. Maintain pressure on the wound. On three. One, two, three" he said as they all lifted him as he screamed

"Its a hundred pounds per square inch of air pumped through his entire body" Buck said as Chanel was checking his heart, "Breathings shallow, hearts racing. Airs filled his stomach, his chest, even behind his eyelids" she explained

"I'm more concerned about the space around his heart and lungs" she added looking at them, "Ok, Eddie, start a nasal cannula. Chimney, get him on some morphine"

Chimney sighed, "Its like trying to inject a needle into stone" he said not being able to put the needle into his vein

"The pressure's pushing everything out. I cant even get air through the nostril" Eddie added

"Jugular venous distention, tachycardia, hypotension, diminished breath, we're looking at tension pneumothorax" Chanel blurted out

"The air pressure it collapsing his organs. We need to get in there and drain the fluid. Buck, i need you to get a 14-gauge angiocath. We need to start decompressing the pleural cavity" Bobby said as Buck grabbed it sitting next to Hector

"Want me to help?" Eddie asked as Buck shook his head, "I got it" he said moving his shirt to reach his neck

"Hang in there, Hector"

"Id go lower" Eddie spoke up looking at Buck, "What? Um, no. Second intercostal space. Midclavicular line"

"The chest wall is thinner at the fifth intercostal at the anterior axillary line. There's a decreased chance of injuring any vital organs. Ive-ive treated guys with collapsed lungs in combat" Eddie explained before they all looked at Chanel

"I would hate to hurt your ego, Buck, but he's right" she said not looking at him, "Do it, Eddie" Bobby said looking at him as Buck passed it to Eddie

"Can you help me out with his shirt?" Eddie asked as Buck rolled his eyes but nonetheless helped

Eddie put the needle at the fifth intercostal, they all got quiet for a second as they heard air escaping from him

"That's it, Hector"

"Breath, nice and slow" Chanel added placing the stethoscope over his heart

"Maddie?" Chanel yelled rushing into the bathroom before screaming and covering her eyes, "What is going on!"

"I thought that was you!" Buck defended throwing his hands in the air as Chanel threw him his shirt

"I was in town and wanted to see my little brother and his girlfriend" Maddie added

"I should probably...."


"Okay, im gonna...."


"Sorry, Maddie!" Chanel yelled closing he door behind her as she heard Maddie laugh a little, "All good"

"You there is any way we can unsee that?" Buck said cooking, "Oh, come on. I used to give you baths" Maddie said leaning against Chanel

"Yeah, when i was two. Hey, how did you even get in here? I know Chanel was at the hospital earlier" Buck asked giving the two a plate of food

"I told the building manager i was your sister"

"And he just believed you?" he asked confused

"Well, having boobs doesn't hurt"

"How'd you know where i live?" he asked passing the two glasses

"Well, first, i went to the address the Christmas cards keep coming from, and the guy said you were here. And then i double checked with Chanel and it all added up" Maddie smiled

"Wait. So you did get those Christmas cards?" he asked as Chanel stood up, "This seems like a brother sister moment, so I'm gonna go eat my food anywhere else" she smiled grabbing her stuff and leaving

"Why are you making me run" Jasper groaned following Chanel, "Just cause we're doctors doesnt mean we cant get some running time"

"You've turned into a firefighter and dont know how to act" he panted leaning over placing his hands on his knees as Chanel stood next to him

"Come on, Jasper!" Ari yelled running past the two, "Of course its Ari" Jasper groaned standing up straight

"So do you know where Abby is?" Ari asked as the three were running next to each other

"I think, oh wait, i dont care" Chanel smiled tripping Jasper, "Fuck, Chanel!" he yelled as the two girls ran off laughing

"I love you, Jasper!"

"Hey bitches" Chanel said walking into the firehouse, she was dressed in black biker shorts and a sports bra, she dropped Jasper and Ari off at him

"Shut up, two hot boys are about to fight" Howie said as she rolled her eyes before looking at at Buck and Eddie

"You're-you're not supposed to just walk in here like you've been here for years. It's meant to be a getting-to-know-you period. You're meant to respect your elders"

"You're not his elder, Buck" Howie said doing some lifts

"Look, i in no way meant to, uh, be too familiar or stop on anybody's toes. I know you're going through some personal stuff right now"

"Oh, shit" Chanel whispered leaning against the machine Howie was using, "What personal stuff?"

"I know your girlfriend recently broke up with you and you're coming to terms with that" Eddie said as Chanel raised her eyebrows as Howie stopped what he was doing and looked at the two

"No, im not. And she didnt break up with me she's standing right there" Buck said pointing at Chanel who waved smiling

"Im just saying i hear you're a good guy, and maybe you're going through something, but you dont need to take it out on me or-or be threated by me. We're on the same team" Eddie said as Buck turned back towards him

"Why would i be threated by you?"

"Exactly. There's no need to be. We do the same thing. I've just done it while people are shooting at me is all" Eddie said turning and walking away

"We're not broken up, right Nel" Buck said looking at his girlfriend, "Nel?"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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