"meeting the others..."

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(Snow's pov)

I'm a bit anxious about this...i have never met them,but papa is in there so i have to..

We're almost getting in the garden..i hope they dont hate me..

The others are talking,yet catnap was on his tree..snow then meets them,she was hiding behind [r3d@ct3d] so the others do not see her,yet she has to meet them...

snow then meets them,she was hiding behind [r3d@ct3d] so the others do not see her,yet she has to meet them

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I-i'm nervous...

As they see me they get happy to know that a new critter was gonna join them,but i only want to see papa..

As they talk to me i see papa! I ran to him a hugged him,he hugged me back,im happy now! I hope i stay whit him forever!,all the others were a bit confused,papa then explained to them

Catnap:using sign leanguage "this is my daugher! Her name is snow."

Dogday:"wait you have a daugher?!"

Bobbybearhug:"OMG! can i see her?"

Bubba bubbaphant:"oh,well thats cool!"

Kickin' chicken:"cool"

Craftycorn:planning to paint her

Hoppy hopscotch:"awww! She's so cute!"

[R3d@ct3d]:"i'm glad you all like her!"

Well...papa just explained to them,yet the dog seemed a bit more shocked than the others..i Wonder why..anyways i'm gonna spend time whit papa! I love him so much!! I hope he can help me whit my sleep paralisys today tough..


Hello! I hope you liked this chapter,its a bit short since i'm doing it in the mifle of the night-_-,anyways.


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