Recruited into the Mafia

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Leiying was a stray at such a young age. He was currently sitting on the ruins of what used to be a small town, he looked like a doll. His eyes expressed no emotion.

A raven haired man, who looked like a doctor, approached him. He was accompanied by a young, blonde girl who wore a red dress.

"Hello there young one. What is someone like you doing here, in this wrecked up place?"

Leiying turned to look at him with his emotionless eyes
"I don't recall that being any of your business."

"Hm?" Mori gave him a closed eyed smile "Why so defensive? Did you do something you shouldn't have?"

Leiying just stared at Mori and then at Elise "I was just passing by."

"Passing by? What are you, a stray?" Mori joked about it, little did he realize, he was correct.

"I am. I'm usually just wandering around Yokohama."

"How old are you?"


"Would you like a place to stay?"


"It will come with several benefits. How about joining the Port Mafia?"

Leiying looked at him for several secs before speaking up
"I..don't see why not.."

Mori put his white coat over Leiying's shoulders and they made their way back to the Port Mafia Headquarters.

2 Years Later

A pound bang was heard as Leiying shot the last target in the head. "... pathetic traitors."
He quickly aimed the gun behind him as he felt a presence there.

"Woah there! Be careful with that Lei!"
A brunette yelled in astonishment at how cold Leiying could be.

"Oh. It's just you...Dazai."
He lowered the gun and put it away in his white coat.

"Looks like you got everything taken care of. Let's head back."
Dazai spoke in an unfazed tone.

Leiying glared at him before sighing and walking back to Headquarters

In Mori's Office

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. You really have improved Leiying."

"Thank you Boss. I guess.."
Leiying was drawing with Elise as he told Mori the full report in person. "...Also. Why have you made Dazai a... student of mine."

"Oh? Well, I thought you could teach him some of your tricks. He's the youngest executive, and I thought you could help him get stronger. Both in intelligence and in strength."

Leiying looked at him as Elise started to tie his hair up and put bows in it "I just don't see the point. But I'll do it if it's an order." He looks at Elise as she puts another bow on his half colored hair; one side white, the other purple lilac. "Elise, that's enough. I need to get going now."

"Awe...okay, but promise you'll come back soon! I get lonely."

"What about me Elise!?" Mori started pouting

"You're weird, hmph!"

"Wah! Elise, why are you so mean!"

Leiying left before they dragged him into their small argument.

In the Training Room

"Keep going."
Leiying kept dodging every hit Dazai threw at him

"Agh, this sucks!"
Dazai stopped attacking to take a breather

Leiying stopped and leaned against the wall
"If you keep slacking off. You'll never get the hang of it Dazai-kun."

"But if you keep dodging, how am I ever gonna hit you!"

"Hm..try going against my shadows?"

"Your shadows?"

"My ability. I can control the shadows or give them some sort of life. Want to try sparring with one of them? If it's too much, use your ability to cancel my ability."

2 Minutes Later

Dazai was thrown into a wall by the shadow and he caught it's punch and cancelled out the ability

"You improved."

Dazai looked at Leiying who was eating strawberries in the corner

"Really!? You're eating while your shadow almost killed me!?"

"I told you the risk. Yet you still accepted. You should go get patched up."

Dazai wiped dust off his shirt and stood up "yeah, yeah. Quit being so moody all the time Lei."


In Leiying's Office

"Leiying, why so down, hm?"

"Don't wanna talk about it, Oda.."

Leiying was currently laying down on Oda. They had gotten a father-son relationship since Leiying joined the Mafia. Odasaku always looked out for him like a father would with his son.

"Sleep for a while. I know you're tired."

Leiying drifted off into sleep and Oda watched over him. Letting the executive regain their energy.

That's it for this chapter, it's short but I do hope for the chapters to get longer as the story continues. This is more like an introduction to Leiying in the Mafia. He is 16 in this chapter, but present time he's 23. I'll be showing more of his relationships with the Mafia members in future chapters. Who knows..maybe he'll join the ADA (???) not sure ^^ Thank you for Reading! Hope You Enjoyed<3

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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